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Ehrie '07 “Shapes Future” in Washington D.C.

Brandon Ehrie, a senior history major at Wabash and North Montgomery High School graduate, spent his summer studying and working in Washington, D.C., which he describes as "a mixture of academic study, a fascinating internship, and also a lot of enjoyment."

He joined 62 other students from all over the world in the Bryce Harlow Institute on Business and Government Affairs sponsored by The Fund for American Studies (TFAS).

The Institute is a pro-business lobbying internship and educational program that has provided hundreds of students with important lessons about the link between free enterprise and government. The program provided Ehrie an internship with the National Federation of Independent Business.

"I didn’t just sit in a cubicle all summer speaking with campaigns," Ehrie said. "NFIB provided me with a few amazing opportunities including attending and participating in there bi-annual Summer Small Business Summit, which allowed me to meet several of our congressmen and also have lunch with Newt Gingrich.

"I will take away memories from this summer that will last me a lifetime."

Ehrie worked on political activism and facilitated communication between the Federation’s 600,000 members and their Congressmen.

"My internship provided valuable work experience, but I also got an in-depth look at how the political process works," Ehrie said. "I focused specifically on influencing campaigns and elections through targeted political activism."

If that wasn’t enough, he also took two classes at Georgetown University — Business, Government and Public Policy and Power and Values in Organization. "The Power and Values in Organization course really showed me just how much a person can impact not only an organization or company, but also society in general."

While in Washington Brandon attended the diplomatic reception for the Prime Minister of Japan. The Small Business Summit allowed him to meet Gingrich, who spoke to the group about leadership in small business.

Ehrie left such a good impression on the folks at TFAS he was asked to speak at the Donor Appreciation Luncheon at graduation. The meal was attended by a number of dignitaries including the former president of El Salvador, Francisco Flores.

"TFAS makes a lot of promises to students during the application process," he said in his speech, "and both Georgetown and The Fund for American Studies deliver on every single promise that is made. By integrating class work, internships, and special on-sight events they truly do ‘prepare young people for honorable leadership by educating them in the theory, practice and benefits of a free society.’

"My summer in Washington has helped to shape my future forever."