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Area Youngsters Participate in Annual Football Clinic

Pack 250 kids and 109 Wabash football players on a football field on a Friday night and what do you get?

Another successful youth football clinic.

For the sixth consecutive season the Little Giant players and coaches conducted a free clinic for area elementary and junior high school youth. The participants got to wear the actual jerseys and helmets of the Wabash players while they learned to catch, throw, kick, and run through drills with the Little Giants serving as instructors and "defenders."

"It's a lot of fun," said sophomore offensive lineman Erik Shaver. " The kids have a great time, and so do the players. It's a chance to spend time with someone who'll be back cheering for you when you're on the field Saturday afternoon."

All-American linebacker Adrian Pynenberg showed the group how to do a "Hammer Hit." Pynenberg ran full speed toward a tackling dummy, hitting it full force  and launching it toward the sideline. Each of the youngsters followed suit, pounding the dummy into submission time and time again while Pynenberg and his teammates cheered them on with each and every tackle. (View a photo album from the day's activities.)

Prior to the drills, sophomore defensive back Rich Lehmann spoke to the group and their parents about the importance of education and athletics and athletics.

"Get serious about school now," Lehmenn told the assembly. "Don't wait for high school. Work hard in school and hard at sports. You can accomplish anything if you do those two things."

The clinic is part of the Community Weekend at Wabash. Saturday's football game against Millikin is free of charge, in part to thank the Montgomery County community for its year-round support of Wabash College. Kickoff at Byron P. Hollett Little Giant Stadium is at 1 p.m.

Photos - (Top left) Ten-year old Nick Page gets ready for a "Hammer Hit."

(Bottom Right) Freshman Derrin Slack signs a team photo for five-year old Aden Lutton at the conclusion of the clinic.