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Center Of Inquiry Research on the Liberal Arts


While looking through some articles for this newsletter, I came across one that I would like to share with you all. It highlights research done by the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts at our very own Wabash College. Done in cooperation with the University of Iowa in 2004, it uses new techniques to measure the benefits of a Liberal Arts education.

"What does "liberal arts" mean, after all?  Is it a set of values, a collection of disciplines, a kind of college, a type of preparation for adult life?  One source of public confusion about the term is the many things it can mean for different people and the rarity of anyone defining the expression in a clear and useful way before using it.  We offer with this issue a digest of recent research that defines a liberal arts education in a new way, according to an emphasis that can be measured, campus by campus, and an experience that can also be measured, student by student.  Behind this report is extensive research done cooperatively by our staff and Ernest Pascarella and his students at the University of Iowa."*

--Taken from the research article "A Liberal Arts Education Changes Lives: Why Everyone Can and Should Have This Experience," edited by Frederik Ohles

*Follow this link to the full article: A Liberal Arts Education Changes Lives: Why Everyone Can and Should Have This Experience

In Wabash,
Stephen Iles
Editor, Career Advisor