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Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2 Released

Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 (Windows XP only) and Mozilla's Firefox 2 (Windows and Macintohs) were both released this month, providing a number of new features to the top two most widely used web browsers. IT Services is now supporting both browsers, but is planning a careful migration to IE 7.

Internet Explorer 7
IE 6 was released in 2001, so it's been a while since Internet Explorer has had a significant upgrade.  The new version has some nice new features, such as tabbed browsing, enhanced favorites, page zoom, and extensive security enhancements, including phishing protection.  But it's "redesigned, streamlined interface" may take a while to get used to.

Click here for a review, and installation instructions for IE 7.

Here's what IT Services is doing to help with this transition:

Internet Explorer 7 Demos
We've scheduled three demonstration sessions to introduce faculty, staff and students to IE 7.  The same material will be covered in each session.  Demos will be held in Baxter 214, and will last 45 minutes to one hour.  Please join us at one of the following times:

  • Monday, October 30, 2-3pm
  • Tuesday, October 31, 2:30-3:30pm (come for the demo and stay for the Community Meeting)
  • Thursday, November 2, 3-4pm

Depending on demand, we will offer this session again later in the the fall semester

Internet Explorer 7 at Wabash
Computer labs and classroom projection systems will be upgraded to IE 7 during the semester break. Microsoft has announced that they will deliver IE 7 via automatic update, but IT Services will disable this update until after January 1 for most office computers, so that office computers and classrooms will stay on the same version.  However, IT Services is supporting IE 7 now, and faculty and staff can upgrade manually at any time.

Firefox 2
Firefox 2 (available for Windows and Macintosh) was released this week as well.  It too offers a number of improvements, though the user interface is only slightly changed and should not cause problems for most users.  IT Services is supporting Firefox 2, and faculty and staff can upgrade at any time (version 2 will soon be added to Firefox's automatic update).

Click here for a review, and installation instructions for Firefox 2