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Who Should Control the U.S. Congress?

The 2006 Midterm Elections are less than a week away, and the question on the minds of political junkies, pundits, strategists, and partisans is who will control the 110th Congress. After 40 years control of at least one house of Congress, Democrats were swept out of office in a tidal wave election that washed in Newt Gingrich and his 1994 Republican class. They have maintained virtually uninterrupted control ever since.

Given a series of scandals, increased violence in Iraq, polls that show low approval ratings for the president, congress, and the direction of the country, the Republicans’ prospect for retaining their majorities in the House and Senate seems bleak.

Democrats need a net gain of 15 seats in the House and 6 seats in the Senate to regain control of Congress, and the consensus in the political community is that they will win at least one of the two chambers. Consensus, however, is not certainty.

Although the national mood favors Democrats and the polls show them ahead in many races, Republicans have been preparing for this election for quite a while. Raising money, energizing loyal Republicans who may be thinking about sitting out this year, and touting their record of low taxes and macroeconomic growth may be enough to quell the perfect storm gathering to sweep Democrats into power.

All will be answered after Tuesday, November 7th. In the meantime, the College Republicans and College Democrats will make their arguments as to why their respective parties should regain or maintain control of the United States Congress.

Republicans’ Argument

One of the main issues on everyone’s mind is the War on Terror. Republican leadership has committed to take the fight to the terrorists so that they will not be able to attack our homeland again. Democrats are great at criticizing, but what solutions are they offering for Iraq? They would implement a cut and run strategy if they were to take power. This solution would cause Iraq to become a base of operations for terrorists who want to kill Americans. Republicans are committed to helping the Iraqi’s achieve true sovereignty by helping them gain the means necessary to effectively secure their country. This solution is the best for both nations.

Also, Democrats would raise taxes if they were in control of state and local government. These tax increases would hinder the economic progress that has been made nationally. The Dow is at a record high, unemployment is at a healthy 4.6% (sept.), and Republicans have implemented tax cuts, which they want to make permanent. Democrats would reverse the cuts and raise taxes.

What about Indiana? Many people see our dependence on foreign oil as our countries greatest weakness. Thanks to Republican Senator Richard Lugar, Republican Governor Mitch Daniels, and the Republican controlled General Assembly, Indiana is emerging as a national leader on the issue of energy independence. Before Mitch Daniels became Governor, Indiana had only one biofuel plant. Over the last two years, Indiana has announced 12 new ethanol plants, and three new biofuel plants. These new plants will bring over 21 billion dollars of economic activity to Indiana, and will create 600 new jobs.

Speaking of job creation, over the last two years Governor Daniels along with the Republican controlled General Assembly has created over 130,000 new jobs for Hoosiers. Many of these came from Governor Daniels’ major moves project. Democrats were in an uproar last year, when the Governor and the Legislature agreed to a 75 year lease of Indiana’s toll road. By agreeing to the lease Indiana received 3.85 billion dollars. With this money, Indiana is earning $506,000 in interest every day. Many other states were lined up to take this deal because they were expecting Indiana to pass it up “just like they always do.” Well because of strong leadership we did not pass it up, and now we are the only state in the country to have a fully funded 10 year transportation program WITHOUT RAISING TAXES.

So if you want to cut and run in Iraq, if you want higher taxes, and if you want a gridlocked state you should vote for Democrats. However, if you want to keep creating quality jobs for Hoosiers, if you want lower taxes, and if you want to continue to keep America safe, you should vote for the party of optimism instead of pessimism, the party of progress not stagnation, the party that is moving this country and this state forward instead of backward. If these are the things you want you should vote for the Republican Party on Election Day.

But, agree or disagree, no matter what you do make sure you exercise your right to vote on November 7th.

Thank you and God bless,

Sean Clerget

College Republicans

Democrats’ Argument

Democrats believe that together, America can do better.

The lives of all Americans and the history of the world changed forever on September 11th, 2001. Americans will never forget that fateful day. However, America must be forever mindful of what happened the next day. On that day, groups around the world held candlelight vigils to mourn with America. Palestinians in East Jerusalem mourned with America. France, Britain and India mourned with America. The President of France observed that, “Everyone is American today.” The GOP had the opportunity to unite to world in a fight against terrorism. Instead, they chose to alienate the global community. Democrats know that alone, America is threatened with failure. A great country must be a great neighbor, and the Democratic Party is committed to reaching out to the global community.

Unfortunately, the GOP has put electoral victory above the needs of the country and of common decency. The modern Republican Party is one of doublespeak. The party that claims to be for fiscal responsibility has run up record deficits and debts. The party that claims to be for individual liberties has subverted individual rights of privacy to the invasive eyes of the government.

The Democratic Party believes that you say what you mean, and you do what you say. The Democratic Party is committed to the true fiscal discipline of the Clinton era, the fiscal discipline that brought the country the longest period of economic growth in generations. The Democratic Party is committed to both individual rights and national security.

In the Republican Party, conservatism has been replaced by absolutism. Either you are with them or against them. Either you support the War in Iraq or you are unpatriotic. Everything was black and white, and America was forced to choose sides. The president that promised to be a “uniter, not a divider” has been the most divisive president in many lifetimes. The Democratic Party believes that all Americans salute the same flag, regardless of the ballot they pull in a primary.

The Democratic Party believes that rules should matter. Sadly, the GOP’s singular focus on electoral victory has resulted in a pervasive culture of corruption within the halls of power. A counselor to the president revealed national security details for political gain. The house majority leader stands under indictment. The governor of Ohio has been convicted of crimes, and a member of the Republican leadership solicited sex from underage pages. Names like Abramoff, Delay, Ney, and Foley have surrounded our nation’s capitol with a culture of corruption that is unmatched in history. The Democratic Party will restore America’s trust in government.

Finally, and most importantly, a Democratic Congress will do all that it can to make America safe. The Democratic Party is the party of Roosevelt, Truman, and Kennedy. It is a party that knows how to protect our great country. It is a party that won two world wars and pulled the country out of the Great Depression. The Democrats led the fight to create the Department of Homeland Security and believe that securing America must begin at home. One of the first actions of the Democratic Congress will be to enact the recommendations the 9/11 Commission made five years ago.

Much is at stake in the 2006 Elections. If you are unhappy about the direction this country has taken. If you believe that it is time for a change. This is your chance to make a difference.

Democrats believe that the divisive practices have made America weaker, and less safe. Democrats know that with new leadership, America will do better.

Jay Horrey and Adam Kirsch

Thomas Riley Marshall College Democrats