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Things To Do Over Break (Issue 6)

DC Externships
The deadline for anyone interested in these Externships actually falls in our Thanksgiving recess. There are many programs offered in a variety of areas like Law, Politics and Economic Justice, Public Policy, Advertising, and Congressional Office. These programs will occur during Spring Break in Washington DC. Here is an example of what is being offered:
"The 6 extern sites are:

- AKQA - Advertising & Marketing Firm - you will work with accounts including ESPN, Ubisoft and US Postal Service
- Wake Up WalMart (2 externs) - effort of the International Brotherhood of Communication Workers - you will work on Social Justice Policy Issues
- Bose McKinney & Evans LLP - law firm - you will work with a variety of legal issues
- Office of Rep. Dan Burton (R) - Congressman - you will work with a variety of constituent and policy issues
- National Endowment for the Arts - independent govt agency - you will work on arts policy issues and may spend one day in a congressional office"

    - taken from an email from Scott Crawford, Director of the Career Center

APPLY NOW: Applications due 22 November 2006

This trip is for students interested in the Indiana University School of Public/Environmental Affairs. The trip leaves on the 29th of November from 8:00AM-4:00PM.
"IU SPEA is very interested in Wabash students for their graduate programs. IU SPEA is international in focus and scope and they offer the following Masters degree programs:

- Master of Public Affairs
- Master of Science in Environmental Science
- A Joint Degree with the 2 programs above
- Master of Arts in Arts Administration
- Joint Degrees with the above programs and Law, Journalism, Library Science, Physical/Life Sciences and Languages

For more info, go to"

SIGN UP NOW: Sign Up ends 27 November 2006;

This event is open to members of the senior class. This is part one of the series this year which will focus on "Investing, Your Paycheck, and Finance Issues."
"Primarily for seniors, our alumni presenters will show you what your paycheck will really be like, how to spend your $ wisely, managing your taxes, how/when to invest successfully, buying a house vs. renting, how to buy a car, etc."

SIGN UP NOW: Sign Up ends 27 November 2006

All of the information presented here comes from our WabashWorks! database. If you are interested in these, sign up by logging into your account. From there, view the calendar of upcoming events. You’ll also find other events that are being offered.

In Wabash
Stephen Iles
Editor, Peer Career Advisor