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Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education Information for Student Participants


Posted 12/15/06

4,500 students from 19 institutions participated in the first round of assessments for the Wabash National Study. The Center of Inquiry would like to thank everyone who participated for their time and effort. Our goal for this study is to improve liberal arts education at colleges and universities nationwide. Your participation is vital to our success. Thank you for helping us with this important research.

Keep an eye out for emails from ACT with information about spring assessment dates. Check this website periodically because we will post assessment dates, announcements, and study results as they become available. 

If any of your contact information changes, please email ACT to inform us of the changes. We need the most up-to-date information in our files so that we can contact you about upcoming assessment and interview dates and make sure you receive your checks for participating.

Frequently Asked Questions

Duration and design of the study
Study payments
Missing checks
Change in address, phone number, or email
Dates for the next assessment sessions
Dates for the next interviews
Dropping out of the study
Other questions about my institution’s participation
Other questions about the overall study

What is the duration of the study and how will I be involved in future assessments/interviews?

The Wabash National Study will take place over four years, from fall 2006 until spring 2010. We may conduct a follow-up study after this date, but we will only contact those students who agree to participate in the follow-up phase.

Every student in the Wabash National Study will participate in three rounds of assessments. The first round occurred in fall 2006, the second round will be held in spring 2007, and the final round will be in spring 2010 (spring 2008 for students at two-year colleges). Approximately 300 students from six institutions are participating in the interview component of the study. Interviews will be held in the fall of each academic year. The first set of interviews took place in fall 2006. The next rounds will be held in fall 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Click here to see the study timeline.

What will I be paid for my participation in the study?

All students will receive $50 for each assessment session and $30 for each interview they complete. If you complete all three assessment sessions, you will earn $150. If you are among those selected for an interview, you can earn up to an additional $120.

What do I do if I haven’t received a check from an assessment session or an interview?

Email ACT. Include your name, institution name, and the study activity (assessment session or interview) for which you did not receive payment.

My phone number, email address, or mailing address has changed. What should I do?

Email ACT. Include your name, institution name, and your new contact information in the text of the email. For address changes, please indicate whether the change is for your mailing address at school or your permanent mailing address.

When are the next assessment sessions?

The next assessment sessions will be held from late March through mid-April 2007. We will post assessment dates for each institution on this site as dates are finalized. You will also receive emails from ACT with details about the assessment sessions as this information becomes available.

When are the next interviews scheduled?

Note: This information is only relevant for the 300 students from Bard, Columbia, Notre Dame, San José State, Wabash, and Whittier who are involved in the interview component of the Wabash National Study.

The next round of interviews will be held in fall 2007. We will post interview dates for each institution on this site as dates are finalized. You will also receive emails from the University of Michigan with information about scheduling interviews as the dates approach.

What do I do if I want to drop out of the study?

We hope that you will reconsider dropping out of the study. Your participation is important to us and all the institutions in the study. If you need to end your involvement with the study, please notify us by emailing ACT. In your email please tell us why you have decided to leave the study.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my college or university’s involvement with this study?

Contact the on-campus coordinator for your institution:

Institution On-Campus Coordinator
Alma College
Bard College David Shein
Butler University Kent Grumbles
Coe College Gregory Griffin
Columbia College (SC) Vivia Fowler
Connecticut College Roger Brooks
Gustavus Adolphus College Barbara Fister
Hamilton College Philip Klinker
Hampshire College Carol Trosset
Hope College Caroline Simon
Ivy Tech Community College–Lafayette Todd Roswarski
Kirkwood Community College Kathleen Van Steenhuyse
San José State University Emily Wughalter and Sutee Sujitparapitaya
University of Kentucky Deborah Moore
University of Michigan Marjorie Horton
University of North Carolina Wilmington Lynne Reeder
University of Notre Dame Barbara Walvoord
Wabash College Julie Olsen
Whittier College Ralph Komai

Who should I contact if I have questions about the purpose and goals of the study or about study results, or if I want more information about the study overall?

Email the principal researcher, Charles Blaich, or the study coordinator, Kelly McDorman. .

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