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New Session of Student Senate Begins, New Roles Assumed

The Second Convocation of the Student Senate occurred Tuesday, January 16 in the Goodrich Room of the Lily Library. In attendance to this transfer of powers were Wabash President Patrick White, outgoing student body President Kevin Pazour ’07, outgoing Vice-President Brett Gann ’07, President-Elect Jesse James ’08, Vice-President Elect Robert Boarman ’08, and 24 Representatives and Senators-Elect.

The purpose of convocation is to yield old roles and assume new ones. Gann, in his last function as Vice-President of the Student Senate, called to order the convocation and turned the gavel over to President Pazour.

"I am honored to be in the presence of you capable gentlemen," Pazour said. "And it brings me great joy to see you all assembled in the Goodrich Room."

Pazour then introduced President Patrick White, who administered the oath of office to James and Boarman. They pledged to faithfully execute the duties of their offices, to serve the student body, and to uphold the constitution of that body.

In his role as Vice President of the Student Body, Boarman administered the oath of office to the 24 student senators. They pledged to faithfully represent those who they represent and execute the duties of a Senator.

At 8:10, President Jesse James rose to officially open the session.

First on the agenda was filling vacant seats. James nominated Kyle Cassidy, Josh Harris, Zafer Ahmed, and Cory Norman to represent the Class of 2008 and Duncam Dam ’09 to represent Off Campus students. The Senate confirmed.

Outgoing Treasurer Ross Dillard was concerned about the nominees and the fact that others who had made the effort to run for student offices were not considered. However, James did not nominate Andrew Rodenbarger ’08 as a class representative, despite beating Rodenbrager in the Student Body President election last month. Dillard encouraged the Senate to reject Harris’s nomination so that James might nominate Rodenbarger, but his motion failed by one vote. Boarman, as Chairman of the Senate, refused to bring the vote to a tie.

As senators debated the matter, Patrick Smith ’08 gave his view.

"Student Senate seats aren’t consolation prizes," Smith said. "Pazour did that out of the goodness of his heart."

"I just think it’s a shame that others aren’t getting the same opportunity that I had," Dillard said. Dillard ran for Student Body President last year and lost.

Pazour then nominated him for a vacant Senate seat.

James explained that the early results of his consultations led him to the decisions he made. The student senate eventually confirmed all of James’s nominations.

The nomination of Chairman Pro Tempore was moved to the next meeting. John Moton ’09 was elected the new Secretary and Ross McKinney ’09 was elected as the new Treasurer.

Next, James discussed the goals of the administration, which include strengthening ties between students, student representatives, and faculty as well as promoting fiscal responsibility.

Dillard commented on the fiscal health of the organization, referencing the 12% increase in budget utilization from Fall 2005 to Fall 2006.

"Students are becoming more active," said Dillard, as he congratulated the Senate for taking the time to seriously consider appropriation requests.

The total allocation for Fall 2006 semester was $198,267.36. As of January 16, 2007, the balance on hand for the Student Senate General Fund was $4,160.81. The Senate expects to receive $183,000.00 for the activities fund this semester. The Senate passed the Treasurer’s Report unanimously.

The last major order of business for the night was to pass a formal request to the Board of Trustees in an attempt to name the Wabash Bookstore in honor of the late Michael Bachner ’70, who was instrumental in its creation and continuance. The request passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned.

After their first meeting in their new roles, members of the student senate were eager to comment on the new experience.

"It was interesting to see the workings of the Student Senate and the priorities they have," College Hall Representative Forrest Craig ’10 said. "It’s s good to see people I know get involved."

"I was extremely nervous," said Boarman, who handled the bulk of parliamentary procedures. "I know adjusting to the role will come in time. I’m excited about our goals and want to help usher in a unified vision for Wabash. I really want students to look to the Student Senate for advice. We’re not here to overshadow them."

"To lead leaders is a great honor, and I don’t want anyone to be afraid to come to Bob or me," James said. "We serve at the behest of the students. I’ll do my best to lead."