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Scholarship Celebration to Highlight Wabash Talent

This is a big week for Wabash. In addition to the beginning its 175th year as a College, Wabash will inaugurate her 15th President of the College, Patrick White, on Saturday. In the midst of this increased traffic, campus tours, and meetings between old friends, students will be given the opportunity to show the community what they’ve accomplished with their vigorous Wabash education.

On Friday, January 26, Wabash College will host its 7th annual Celebration of Student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work. For one, this event is famous because it is the only day that Wabash cancels classes for the afternoon. The celebration invites the community to attend presentations and examine poster displays given by students, which highlight specific research projects in the three academic divisions. All the presentations and posters have been selected from student submissions. Those chosen represent student work with the most intellectual complexity and strength of research. Despite their depth, however, students are excited to share a passion for their majors with a general audience.

“For the past six years, the College has recognized in this public way the creative thinking and word of Wabash students. We celebrate not only the particular achievements of individual students, but also a deeply embedded ethos of the College” Dean Gary Phillips wrote in the celebration book. “This program is dedicated to the memory of Paul McKinney ’52, who passed away in 2003 after a long, courageous battle with cancer.”

“The program encourages students to share the researches and creative works that they did last year to their peers,” Prof. Jim Brown, the co-chair of the celebration planning committee, said. “This year’s celebration is special as a centerpiece to President White’s inauguration.”

A total of 75 students will be participating in the event with 23 posters and 45 presentations. The topics range from “Putting Metal in the Microwave” to “Coffee’s Impact on Colonial History” to “Tourist Caves of Southern Indiana.” The researches and creative works were done either independently, with faculty, or even at other universities and organizations. Some were funded by prominent agencies, such as the National Science Foundation (NSF). Most of the presentations will be given by Wabash majors in Divisions II and III, while the majority of poster displays reflect the work of Division I students.

The celebration also includes presentations given by the recipients of the first annual Lilly Library Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Awards, supported by the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts. The winners and their presentations are Joshua Paul with “Prejudice Against People with Disabilities,” Dick Page with “Native American Adoption of European-style,” and Aaron Spolarich with “Vonnegut: A Hoosier Legacy.” These students were awarded this honor for their unique use of library resources to complete their projects.

The celebration committee, co-chaired by Profs. Todd McDorman and Jim Brown also includes Jim Amidon, Prof. Humberto Barreto, Jeff Beck, Bill Doemel, Prof. Amanda Ingram and Prof. Chad Westphal.

This year’s will be an even bigger celebration than the last. Since its inception the celebration has increased in length and material, which reflects a consistently of academic vigor in Wabash men. Last year 68 students participated in the program.

The celebration will take place in the Detchon Center and runs from 1:00 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. Refreshments will be served in on the second floor. A full book profile of the presentations complete with student biographies is available on the Wabash College website.

The Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative work was created to be a vital part of Wabash’s liberal arts education. These kinds of presentations encourage students to engage their critical thinking skills as well as prepare them for bright future outside the walls of the community. All are encouraged to attend and experience the energy behind Wabash scholarship.