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Wabash Best on Display at Inauguration

The inauguration of Patrick E. White as 15th President of Wabash College was held on Saturday January 27, amidst a splendid ceremony at the Pioneer Chapel. White took office on July 1, 2006, succeeding past-President Andy Ford.

In the program he was honored, welcomed, and praised by a host of dignitaries and colleagues. The Chapel was packed with family, faculty, staff and 36 delegates from other colleges and universities, including 15 college presidents.

The program started with the procession of faculty into the Chapel followed a welcome from Joseph D. Barnette ’61, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

The President in his speech tried to persuade the college to an optimistic future fulfilling the dreams of the founders. "We honor our founders most, not when we try to do only what they would have done, but when we attempt to live as they lived and dream as they dreamed," White said. "The dreams of Wabash men do not spring full grown from the head of Zeus; they are built on the best imaginations of those who have gone before us."

The higher education community, Wabash alumni, students, faculty, and old friends praised and welcomed White as the College's 15th president. The Wabash College Glee Club sang two anthems and after White's remarks performed Alma Mater.

"Wabash has a tradition, but that tradition also is paradoxically a tradition of change and innovation," White said. "We have more to learn, and much to teach," White added.

Reemphasizing his favorite quote from W.B. Yeats “In Dream Begins Responsibility” he said, "We will ask the difficult questions of our times and we will never tire. In our uncommon dream – the uncommon dream of Wabash College – lies the common good of our country and our world, and we will pursue that dream with our whole heart, mind, and spirit.”

The chair of the Inauguration Steering Committee, Jim Amidon said, “All of the events associated with Inauguration Weekend far exceeded our expectations. That the entire community — especially the students at Friday night's Celebrating the Dreams of Wabash Men dinner — came together in support of the various activities was heartening.”

“It became clear early in our planning that President White wanted nothing more than to share the Wabash he's come to know and love with his family, friends, and former colleagues scattered across the country.”

“So many people were involved in the planning and execution of the weekend. By the time it ended, we served refreshments and meals to more than 3,000 people. As chair of the committee, I could not have been more pleased.”

Amidon added, “One of our initial planning themes was dreams, based on President White's favorite quote from William Butler Yeats, "In Dreams Begins Responsibility." It was wonderful to listen as all the presenters, from Paul Harder at Chapel Thursday through the final speakers at Saturday night's gala, talk so eloquently about their dreams for the future of Wabash.”

Inauguration succeeded a couple of days long celebration of students’ research and arts, a student dinner and a Chapel talk by a friend of President White.