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Inaguration Gives Forum for Discussion of Wabash Dreams

The Friday evening dinner celebrating the dreams of Wabash was a major success by any measurement. The attendance was astounding including students, alumni and the President’s friends and family. The food lived up to expectations brought by such an atmosphere. Candles lined the entrance to the snow blown catwalk, after which the enormity of the event was brought into view. Table after table lied ready for its occupants.

The wait was not minimal. After receiving an e-mail explicitly stating the program must begin at 6:00 PM, students did an admirable job of arriving early. Nevertheless, the size of the crowd hindered the flow into the field house for each person upon entering was checked off a list, given a nametag, and presented with a gift. The gift was a hand-hammered rectangular dish with an imprint of the chapel. While a lovely memento, this was not enough to distract from the fear of an evening filled with logistical nightmares. The Jazz Combo did an admirable job of keeping spirits high.

Fortunately those fears were unfounded as the dinner, beginning at 6:30 PM, went start to finish without so much as a hiccup. Even utilizing the potentially dangerous method of a buffet, food was made available quickly and orderly. Instead of one or two lines, there were lines set-up around the perimeter with polite hostesses directing a steady flow of empty plates.

The first half of speeches preceding the dinner included humor, history, and an invocation. All the while guests continued to admire the decorations. I noticed the stripe textured napkins and approved of the terraced glasses with floating candles used as centerpieces. When I asked Hugh Vandivier ’91 sitting next to me what he thought of the decorations he replied “Astounding.”

This mingling of alumni and students was an important part of the execution. It symbolized the past conversing with the present and them together looking toward the future.

The second half began with a typically exciting performance from the Glee Club including a round of “Old Wabash” with President White filling in for an “ill singer.”

This school spirit gave cause for the next presentation. President was officially inducted in the Sphinx Club. When asked about the induction, he said, “It’s an incredible honor. Speaking of dreams, when I first heard about the Sphinx Club and that they made honorary members, I thought ‘That’s something to shoot for; maybe if I am president for seven, eight years they’ll induct me.’ To have it happen this fast I don’t feel worthy, but am greatly honored.”

Next were excellent speeches regarding dreams delivered by the student body president and vice-president. Closing remarks were given by Christopher Greisl ’07.

Vandivier noted his favorite feature of the evening was the fact that students participated in all aspects, saying it was “a testament to the responsibility we give you guys and how given that responsibility… people excel.”

The theme was dreams, and at least one has already come true. White’s dream for his inauguration weekend was possibly exceeded. In his own words he simply said “This is wonderful.”