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Don't Forget! (2Feb07)

- IU School of Public & Environmental Affairs Info Table, Sparks Lobby 11-1
- Deadline for final WorkChicago internship opportunity (Silverman Group)

- Lunch Info Session, Indiana Army National Guard, RSVP via WWorks

- Deadline to enter Cover Letter contest ($75 prize + public glory).
Note: letter does NOT have to be for a job/internship in WWorks - can be
for any job/internship posted anywhere, or not posted at all.  Email
letter as Word attachment to me at

WorkIndy (Wabash/DePauw) interviews:  New listings for eTapestry, Capital
Group, DyKnow, and RCA Championships now posted.  All listings will be
posted by Tuesday.  Remember, beat Depauw by submitting a great resume!
Deadline to apply for WorkIndy interviews is Feb 13.

140 jobs/internships are posted today on WabashWorks.  For resume/cover
letter/WWorks/job search/internship/grad school assistance, stop by Career
Services from 8-4:30 M-F and 7-10pm M-Th.