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Rhoades Publishes in Proceedings of the Western Society for French History

"To Save Future Generations: Masculine Honor and Reproductive Duties, 1914-1918" by Assistant Professor of History Michelle Rhoades was published in the Proceedings of the Western Society for French History, 31 (2003). See the article at

Professor Rhoades’ article, "Renegotiating French Masculinity: Medicine and Venereal Disease during the Great War," was published in French Historical Studies, 29: 2 (2006), and "European Women and WWI," was published in Historical Encyclopedia of Prostitution, (Greenwood Press, 2006). Rhoades presented "Prostitutes: Locating Women and Identifying Agency in World War I France" at the Western Society for French History October 2006 meeting and "Portraits of Ladies: The Business of Prostitution" at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting, January 2006.