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"Porn Nation" Opens Pandora's Box

Pornography is everywhere. It thrives in magazine ads, music videos, movies, television programs, and especially on the internet. That is what Michael Leahy, an author and recovering sex addict, discussed at Monday night’s critically-acclaimed presentation, “Porn Nation – The Naked Truth.”

“Porn Nation” addressed pornography and how it can affect people’s everyday lives. Leahy, a recovering sex addict who lost his wife and children because of his addiction, spoke about how porn becomes obsessive and how we, as impressionable youths, should be aware it affects our work lives, sex lives, relationships, and morals.

“Pornography - it's a $57 billion a year global industry, and the U.S. is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of porn in the world,” Leahy said.

Leahy was your average man in his twenties with a great job, great wife, and two kids. Life was good until the day he became porn obsessed. It didn’t just happen overnight, it was a gradual process that was so miniscule Leahy didn’t even notice how it was creeping into his life. After 13 years of marriage and a dwindling sex life, Leahy did “what I never thought in my 13-year marriage that I would ever do” – he had an affair.

He had the affair because the pornography he was consistently watching was creating a false image of sex and ended up causing him to chase a figment of his imagination - the mistress. Pornography was the catalyst and his scapegoat.

Leahy wanted to teach Wabash men that pornography is so much more convoluted and serious than many think. He pointed out many may think of images of men dominating woman and explained men may refer to women as “objects of men” and are there for personal pleasure and nothing more. That is where the problem lies. One of the video segments showcased the problem - people lose intimacy. The same also goes for women who think of men as sex objects.

“Porn Nation” not only explored the side-effects of obsessive porn watching, but it also addressed the availability of pornographic material. Leahy warned that cell phones with third generation (3G) technology will soon be offering streaming pornographic content.

The presentation included video segments of everyday people and college students. The segments also featured mini-interviews with experts offering advice and explanations on pornography along with sex addicts who shared their stories. Liz, one of the featured sex addicts, depicted how she had gone on over 60 dates in a 45-day span. She went on to say the acts deeply affected her ability to get close to a man. When she reached her breaking point, she crashed and burned.

Leahy also went on to state studies have revealed middle school students are experimenting. The alarming revelation surprised almost everyone in the audience and was further disturbing when Leahy said young pre-teens are “performing oral sex as commonly as they are giving handshakes” and are participating in group sex. Obviously, the marketing of sex and availability of pornographic materials has a correlation with such outrageous behavior.

Leahy took a brief intermission for any who wanted to leave, but asked everyone to stay if possible. He returned to explain Jesus Christ saved him from his addiction.

“I thought it was good – the presentation was good and very informative yet the last 10 minutes, even though you didn’t have to stay, was kind of preachy and it felt kind of awkward,” Jordan Extine ‘09 said,

Brian Deyo ‘08, President of the Wabash Christian Men, was pleased with Leahy’s presentation calling it a “starting point for a continuing discussion of sexual and spiritual matters and how they relate.” He went on to say the Wabash Christian Men have wanted to get Leahy here but couldn’t until this week due to scheduling conflicts.

“I really hope those who didn't like it or were uncomfortable are willing to respond and give their input so we can have a better idea of how it went,” Deyo said. “So far all of the comments I have heard have been really positive and thankful.”

Religion professor, Dr. Jon Baer expressed his satisfaction because “Leahy described how he eventually found freedom from porn's grip through a deepened understanding and experience of God's love and grace. He now seeks to warn others of the dangers of pornography, particularly its tendency to generate compulsiveness in users and short-circuit the capacity for real love and intimacy.”

Sophomore Ted Zimmer thought the presentation was well done. “I had gone into it not knowing what to expect. It served as an educational presentation and I could not believe how much courage it must take for that guy to go up there almost 100 times and tell his story.”

“Porn Nation – The Naked Truth” was sponsored by Wabash Christian Men, the Newman Center, the Religion Department, and the Gender Studies Committee.