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Preparing for Your Internship (4May07)

Preparing for Your Internship

Many students are currently securing internships for the summer and fall at this time of year. While this is certainly cause for celebration, it is important to fully prepare for the internship experience.

It is important to treat your internship with the same professionalism that you would your first full-time position. In many ways, an internship is a "practice run" for your career – from the application, interview and selection process to working in a professional atmosphere within your field. Remember that every person you meet throughout your internship experience has the potential to be a positive member of your professional network. First impressions are important, as are work ethic, punctuality, integrity, respect and professionalism.

Following are some tips for effectively preparing for your internship, and putting your best foot forward:

• Do Your Homework
You probably learned a lot about the organization with which you will be interning during the interview, but with multiple applications and interviews, it’s a good idea to refresh your memory in the weeks leading up to your first day. Review the company web site, research its current activities in the news and fully review your internship position description, making note of any ideas you have for creatively implementing project work. Fully educating yourself about the organization and getting yourself in "internship mode" will help you to be more comfortable on your first few days.

• Cover Your Bases
If you are performing your internship for course credit, be sure that any paperwork and approvals are completed either prior to the internship start date or within the first week, if appropriate. It is the student’s responsibility to provide internship agreements, evaluations and requirements to the internship supervisor and to ensure their completion. Employers are usually eager to help when all these matters are presented up front.

• Scheduling, Parking and Appropriate Dress
Solidify your start and end date as well as your regular work schedule early on so that you may prepare appropriately. Request parking recommendations for your first day if parking is reserved or in a garage. Ask the employer about the dress code in the work environment, and take this time prior to your first day to build your wardrobe if necessary. Remember to err on the side of too conservative or too professional until you get a good feel for appropriate attire in the workplace.

• Housing and Commute
While most students make housing arrangements at the time of securing an internship, this is something to address as soon as possible. Additionally, if your internship is located in an unfamiliar area, remember that traffic in different cities can vary widely. Allow plenty of time for your commute and parking to ensure a punctual and stress-free first day.

An internship will be as educational and beneficial as you make it. Openly communicate your desired experiences and questions to your supervisor, and frequently ask him/her for feedback and suggestions relating to your chosen career. Good luck!

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