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Senate Closes on a High Note Before Summer

The Student Senate tied up loose ends at their last meeting for the spring term Tuesday. The meeting was called to order at 8:02 PM by Vice President Boarman. After correcting records from the last meeting the Senate approved the minutes. President Jesse James announced the results for the Senior Council four at-large seats for next year: Steve Egan ‘09, Jon Miller ‘08, Dan DeNormandie ‘09, and Ty Benbow ‘08. Duncan Dam ‘09, the offcampus representative, lost his voting rights on account of absences, and it was announced that Steve Zajac ‘10 is the new Morris Hall representative.

Ross McKinney ‘09 reported on how the sales of inauguration trays are going. Half of the trays have been or will be purchased by Tom Keddy from the Business Office. The rest will be purchased depending on how well they sell.

Outgoing Board of Publications Chairman, senior Nick Gregory, announced that outgoing Bachelor Editor-In-Chief, Nelson Barre ‘08, was elected the new chairman of BOP. The Constitution Bylaw and Policy Review Committee rejected the idea of combining the Audit and Finance Committee and Senior Council Activities Committee but urged regular communication between them. Senior Brett Gann also announced plans to make Senate documents more accessible online. After concluding Policy committee’s announcements, Gann remarked on his feelings at his last Student Senate meeting. “It’s been a pleasure serving with all of you,” said Gann. “I’ve enjoyed working with you over these last couple of years.” Senators responded with thundering pounding of the table.

The Senate then moved to petitions for club recognition. First was the Wabash Limited Student Government Political Action Committee (WLSGPAC). According to its representative and President, Royce Gregerson ‘09, the purpose of the committee is to advocate limited student government on the campus. The prospective group has about ten members, many of which were student senators at one point. The organization wants to serve as a way for students to express discontent about the way student government is being run. The organization did not request funding and recognition was granted unanimously.

The second organization to seek recognition was W.A.R., Wabash Men Act Responsibility.

Jason Simons ‘08 represented the group which he said is intended to promote responsible decision-making, especially as it relates to alcohol consumption. According to Simons, the group’s main funding will come from a $30,000 grant over three years from the NCAA. Recognition for this organization was granted unanimously as well.

The Senate then moved to adopt the AFC report which included new allocations and rules governing allocations. The first change was an increase in the maximum allocation limit from $250 to $300 because of rising food and gas prices and other start up costs. It was adopted unanimously.

The second change was a requirement that all publications or organizations that used Student Senate money to print publications must be members of the Board of Publications. Currently, all publications must adhere to BOP rules but do not have to be members of the Board. Senators Gann and Gregory expressed concern that the requirement would put the BOP in position of censoring content. Senator Torrez ’10 was concerned about the requirement as well, as Unidos Por Sangre is planning a newsletter and the requirement would add “more government” and bureaucracy to the process.

The rule was adopted with a division and Representative Gann proposed that newsletters that cost less than $75 per issue should not be considered a publication under the rule adopted.

The change was adopted unanimously.

Treasurer McKinney advised the Senate that the Auto- Mechanics club had made a derby racer from a car purchased by the Senate but is not allowed keep it because of liability. He proposed that it be sold for one dollar to a racer provided all winnings go to charity. This was approved unanimously.

The AFC report was adopted unanimously. All accounts close on Friday, but if reimbursements are needed after that it must be signed off by Treasurer McKinney.

Just before the meeting was adjourned, Senator Patrick McAlister ‘10 informed the Senate about the problems with reconstruction at College Hall, which has produced gas leaks, power outages, and general discomfort. McAlister proposed and the Senate passed unanimously a resolution of outrage at the way those things have happened without the resident’s prior knowledge.

The meeting was adjourned and President James ‘08 called the senate into recess. “It has been a good year, and things are going well,” Said President James. “Thanks to the previous foundation of student government officials, we are a well-run student body.”