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Past Meets Present in Glee Club Reunion

It seems reasonable to say graduating college means graduating from homework, but some alumni are experiencing the exception.

These alumni have volunteered to be a part of the Glee Club Reunion this homecoming weekend, which includes a concert featuring past and current members. Over 110 singers will be on stage for some numbers.

"With any luck, some of them actually practiced their music," said Glee Club Director Dr. Richard Bowen. Alumni with sharp memories may remember their parts because the song selection was taken primarily from literature done in the 1950's and 60's.

Those returning range from Dick Ristine '41 to Ashon Ali '07; from Religion Professor David Blix '70 to father of current Glee Club members Clay Robbins '79. In all there will be 70 members in the Alumni Glee Club, including a special reunion of a quartet formed in 1956 called The Harmonaires.

The current members may be used to homework, but that does not mean they have not had to put forth extra effort.

"We've never had this big a concert this early," said Glee Club President Clayton Craig '08.

It has been seven years since the last reunion, though there used to be one every four to five years. The idea to do one came from Bowen and alumni such as Robbins. Bowen hopes there will be a reunion every five years to coincide with major college anniversaries.

There are few clubs on campus which would get such a strong alumni response. There is something unique in the Glee Club experience.

"A lot of my dad's friends he met through Glee Club and he still communicates with many of them," Patrick Robbins '09 said, "That's what convinced me to join."

"You get to build strong friendships with many Wabash men in your class or in three classes on either side of you, " Fred LaCrosse '56 said, "A Glee Club reunion gives us a chance to see our pals again, relive those special moments and be reminded of how our Wabash education prepared us for life."

Some of the past educators who helped students have a great experience will return as well. Joining Dr. Bowen in directing duties will be former Glee Club directors Frederic Ford and Music Professor Larry Bennett.

The weekend will begin with a buffet dinner in International Hall followed by the first rehearsal for the special chorus. Saturday will begin with more rehearsals that will eventually lead into a performance at the Homecoming Chapel. The combined chorus will then perform the National Anthem at the football game at 1:55 PM. The culmination of the weekend will be a concert at 8:00 PM in Salter Hall.

Despite the busy schedule both Patrick Robbins and Craig agree the most exciting aspect will be the downtimes during which they hope to hear stories from back in the day.

The alumni will have their share of stories and advice. Though they may still have homework, they have received their complete Wabash experience. The Glee Club shows how this stays remarkably similar throughout the years.