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Disc Team Opens With Depauw Win

During my time on campus I have attended nearly every home football game. With few exceptions, the cheer “Wabash always fights” resounds when the team finds itself in a less than fortunate situation. The Wabash College Ultimate team found itself in quite a similar situation this past weekend. We played savage (no subs) which, to me, has become like a title of honor. Though outclassed by much larger schools fielding much larger teams (and even much larger multiple teams) we made them earn each point. However, earn points they did. We quickly fell far behind in our first two games. But later, in what would be our final game, other teams with spare players offered to help. They were rested and faster, but not one of the Wabash team members decided to sit out during any point. Playing ‘savage’, while making manifest the phrase “Wabash always fights,” also fosters a strong sense of friendship and identity. We start together; we finish together.

As far as game play goes, the highlight was the DePauw game and for obvious reasons. I must admit, when I heard that they would be at the tournament a smile came across my face. This would be the one game that mattered. It was an extra motivation to get out of bed Sunday morning, sore and tired. We were able to beat them by a convincing margin, 13-4. This victory and the fact that we beat the odds (by placing 2 spots above our initial seed) were nice rewards for our ultimate recruits.

The Ultimate team, like much of campus, has its traditions also. Consider ‘Barbarian of Disc’ Fielding a team with little experience, I was glad to see a freshman step up and earn this title for the first time.

Another tradition is dinner after the first day of competition. Exhausted and hungry, diner is a motivating reward. It is a feast and a time to hang out with friends. This past Saturday I think that the team ate over 100 wings.

While we are on the topic of traditions, it is important to create new traditions where warranted, which is exactly what the team did this weekend. After the thrashing of DePauw, it was decided that the teams would meet again on Thursday of Bell Week to have a Monon game. There will be a trophy (a painted disc) to play for in a game that looks to have a bright future. The team is very confident in being able to repeat their performance against DePauw at Southern Illinois, given that the DePauw team had more rest and experience on their side, and still never had a chance. This inaugural game will be played at DePauw, as both the Bell game and the Keg game (rugby, for the uninitiated) will be at DePauw as well.

The disc team will next travel to Oberlin College for a tournament on October 7th and 8th, and as always, encourages any interested people to come out to practice with the team.