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Wabash to Sponsor Community Computer Recycle Day October 27

Wabash IT Services and the Wabash Environmental Concerns Committee are sponsoring a Crawfordsville Community Computer Recycle Day on Saturday, October 27 from 10am-3pm.  Wabash faculty, staff and students, as well as members of the greater Crawfordsville community, can drop off obsolete computers, monitors, and printers at the Jennison St. parking lot and the equipment will be collected and recycled by RecycleForce of Indianapolis.

Everyone has an obsolete computer or printer lurking in their house.  We are offering a way to dispose of this computer at no cost in an environmentally friendly manner.  Further, at the same time that you are helping the environment, you will be helping others get back on their feet.

RecycleForce has a twofold mission: 1) they aim to keep as much electronic waste as possible out of Indiana’s landfills; 2) they employ individuals coming out of prison in a transitional jobs environment.

"Transitional jobs" is a program sponsored by the National League of Cities and in this program ex-offenders are provided with paid employment and social services for a period of six to nine months.  They employ these individuals, help them get their driver’s licenses, work on their child support, help them with resumes, act as a job reference and help them with job searches and ultimately help them locate full-time work in the private sector.  You can find further information about Recycle Force at their website:

Bradley Trucking from Ladoga is donating a trailer and their time to deliver the materials to RecycleForce in Indianapolis.

Wabash used RecyleForce to recycle over 22,000 pounds of old and broken college-owned equipment last June. You can read more about that effort here.