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Wabash National Study Participants Help Us Find Out What College Experiences Promote Learning

Thank You Students!


We appreciate your time and effort in participating in the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education. The information you've provided helps us to understand what college experiences promote student learning. For example, we've found that

When . . .

Faculty give prompt feedback
Faculty teach in an organized and clear way
Faculty have high-quality interactions with students outside of class
Faculty give challenging exams and assignments
Faculty have high expectations and challenge students

Then . . .

Students increase their academic motivation
Students have an increased sense of commitment
Students are more open to diversity and challenge
Students are better able to handle their new college environment
Students are more likely to build positive relationships

This kind of information is very helpful for your institutions. We have met with administrators and faculty at Bard, Connecticut, Columbia, Hampshire, Hope and San José State to talk about the study. They are very interested in learning more and are already thinking about ways to improve education on your campuses.

Next spring, we will visit Columbia, Gustavus Adolphus, and Whittier Colleges to share what we've learned with faculty and administrators at those institutions. We will continue to meet with campus representatives from schools in the study as results come in. We will also post findings on this website when possible.

By participating in the study you are helping your institutions strengthen student learning.

Find out more about the study.