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Paul Sotherland, Teagle Assessment Scholar

Paul Sotherland is currently professor of biology at Kalamazoo College and serves on Kalamazoo's assessment committee. He is principle investigator of a three-college (Colorado, Earlham, and Kalamazoo) assessment collaborative, funded by the Teagle Foundation.

After earning a Bachelor of Science degree from Carroll College, Paul earned a master's degree and a PhD in zoology at Colorado State University. He then completed a three-year post-doctoral fellowship in the physiology department at SUNY Buffalo before joining the faculty of Kalamazoo College in 1985.

His primary areas of interest in research and teaching are ecological and developmental physiology. He and three Kalamazoo colleagues recently published an article in Peer Review (Spring 2007) on using the CLA and NSSE when writing a college's narrative.