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Dallas Event - Texas-Sized Wabash Hospitality

It started out to be an interesting Wabash on the Road at the Royal Oaks Country Club in Dallas Texas. The topic was Baseball - Art or Craft? and the presenter was to be Professor Melissa Butler. That changed when American Airlines cancelled virtually every flight into Dallas from Indianapolis. As a result, Professor Butler wasn't able to make the trip. The crowd was very disappointed - many an attendee noted that they had done the homework assignment and were ready for the exciting discussion.

The Dallas group was disappointed, but they never missed a beat.

Instead of Wabash on the Road, the Dallas and Ft. Worth crowd put on their admissions hats and focused their collective attention on welcoming two prospective students and their families to the reception and dinner. And, as luck would have it, Trustee Bob Grand '78 happened to be in town on business and attended the Dallas get-together. Bob offer the group an insightful look at the College's emerging Strategic Plan and noted the widespread impact the execution of the plan will have on the lives of Wabash students. NAWM board member Ray LaDriere '78 served as the evening's emcee and introduced classmate and pledge brother Bob Grand to the group.

Many thanks to Anne LaDriere for making all the arrangements with the Country Club. Anne is a super star event planner and the events at the Country Club are always letter perfect. Many thanks also to Peter Pactor '65 for working the Wabash on the Road and local leaders Dan Susie '68 and Ray LaDriere for another great turnout and fun event.

Photo:  Trustee Bob Grand '78 talks with the group

For more photos, click here.

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