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Senate Holds Its Final Session of The Semester

Last Tuesday night the Student Senate met for the final time of the 2007-2008 academic school year. The closing session addressed several important issues, including allocating funds for new printers to be installed in every living unit on campus, and re-recognizing The Wabash Commentary as a campus organization.

The standing committees and special committees of the Senate had little to report. Student Senate

Treasurer Craig Cochran ’10 stressed that accounts would be closing soon and club surpluses would be reverted back to the General Fund of the Senate. Also, the Board of Publications named Bachelor News Editor Rob Fenoglio ’09 as the new Chairman of the BOP.

The BOP also petitioned for $3,479.86 to be allocated for a new Canon camera, a cheaper alternative to the Nikon cameras in circulation. Editor-elect of the Bachelor Patrick McAlister ’10 noted the Nikon cameras were becoming old and outdated, as well as very expensive to repair.

“It’s time for us to start cycling these cameras out,” said Senator McAlister. “Also, we don’t want to emphasize just the Bachelor. The Bachelor will probably use this camera more, but any member publication of the BOP is welcome to it.”

A motion was made to accept the amendment to the budget, and it passed unanimously. Next, the Student Senate Committee on Technological Advancements, led by Martindale senator Cody Stipes ’11, proposed that the Senate spend $7,782.18 on fourteen HP LaserJet P3005 printers. One printer would be placed in each fraternity and independent living unit.

Senator Stipes, whose committee has regularly corresponded with Director of Information Technology Services Brad Weaver, said “the College will install these printers, pay for the paper and ink, and put the printers in circulation so that when the printers need to be replaced they will be at the expense of the College.”

The proposal, which only calls for the one time cost of $7,782.18, would be the equivalent of each student on campus paying less than nine dollars towards the permanent use of these printers, with no extra expenses tacked on later. The issue was voiced that the Senate had insufficient funds to front this bill. Senator Stipes addressed the concern by commenting that IT would not require the full amount up front, but would gladly accept the payment in parts, order the printers before summer vacation begins, and install the printers before Freshman Saturday of next year.

Another concern was put forth by Treasurer Cochran that a minimum of $1500 should remain in the General Fund as a buffer zone. Student Senate Secretary Royce Gregerson ’09 moved to pay $1500 towards IT’s printer plan, leaving $1,658.82 in the General Fund. The motion was unanimously passed, and the new budget was approved by the Senate.

Finally, Chris Sidebottom ’11, newly elected Editor-in-Chief of The Wabash Commentary, petitioned

the Senate to recognize the TWC as a student organization. Dismantled by the founding of the Wabash Conservative Union and having undergone a one-year hiatus, TWC has returned, hosted John Stossel in Salter Hall, and published a first issue.

Mr. Sidebottom stressed that the Foundation for a Traditional Wabash, the organization to which the Senate objected last year, would not interfere in the affairs of TWC, and serve only to offer advice and donations. Also, Mr. Sidebottom clarified that the editorship of TWC was decided and would in the future be decided by a majority vote of its members.

The Senate unanimously agreed to recognize TWC.

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