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Alumni Rugby Match

Sophomore Will Hoffman could not participate due to an injury that required surgery, but that didn't stop him from organizing another match for his rugby teammates.  On a cold, wet, and windy day just suited for rugby, a team of Wabash alumni clashed with our student club team in a competitive, but friendly alumni game. It was a tightly contested battle through the first half with the alumni holding slight advantage, but youth would prevail on this day with the student team pulling out the victory over a worn out alumni group. 

Thanks to all of the alumni who returned to participate in the game and postgame cookout.  Lee Sutton '00, who apparently still competes regularly with a team back home in Colorado, was there to compete against brother Daniel '09 with parents Larry and LuAnn watching on.  Also, representing the alumni in the match was official Tim Craft '00.

See photos from the action here.  




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