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Vega Makes Provisional Cut At North Central

Senior Mike Vega (Lake Station, IN/Edison) made the most of his trip to to Naperville, Illinois on Friday. Vega finished sixth in the 5,000-meter run with a time of 31:12, 12 seconds ahead of the NCAA provisional qualifying time to make the championship meet that will be held in two weeks at the same track.

The senior's race was delayed for over two hours until late Friday evening because of heavy thunderstorms in the Chicago area. Vega must now play the waiting game again, this time to see if his time will be good enough to get into the field.

"Last year the NCAA took the top 18 times nationally when they looked at the provisional cuts," said coach Rob Johnson. "Mike's time is currently the 18th best in the nation this season. I hope he is included in the field. It would be a great reward for the effort he has provided over the last four seasons. It was particularly great to see him run that time so late in the evening."

The NCAA entry list will be announce after the final qualifying races take place this Saturday.