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New Benefit Allows Employees to Purchase Computers via Payroll Deduction

Wabash is now offering a payroll deduction plan for computer and technology purchases.  Employees can use payroll deduction to pay for new computer purchases from Dell or Apple, or for purchasing used computer equipment from Wabash.  Please note the following:

* All Wabash regular salaried and hourly employees are eligible.  Student employees are not eligible.
* The minimum purchase for payroll deduction is $25.00.
* For purchases of $25.00 - $500.00, the maximum repayment term is 3 months.
* For purchases greater than $500.00, the maximum repayment term is 6 months.
* Purchases greater than $2000.00 must be approved by the Director of Human Resources or the Dean of the College.  The maximum repayment term for purchases greater than $2000.00 is 6 months.

Please contact Jamie Ross (, x6302) for information on placing an order with Dell or Apple using payroll deduction.  For payroll-specific questions about this program, please contact Cathy Metz (, x6418).