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Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education 2008Frequently Asked Questions

The information on this page applies to those students who entered the Wabash National Study in fall 2008 and who attend these schools:

Alverno College                                                          Marlboro College
Augustana College Millersville University
Bard College at Simon's Rock New College of Florida
Bennington College Oxford College of Emory University
Blackburn College Prescott College
Brandeis University Ripon College
Carleton College Salem State University
College of the Holy Cross University of Rhode Island
Community College of Rhode Island Wabash College
Drew University Warren Wilson College
Hampshire College Wheelock College
Hobart and William Smith Colleges Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Lasell College Worcester State College

Frequently Asked Questions

Duration and design of the study
Change in address, phone number, or email
Dates for the next assessment sessions 
Dropping out of the study
Other questions about my institution’s participation
Other questions about the overall study

What is the duration of the study and how will I be involved in future assessments/interviews?

The Wabash National Study will take place over four years, from fall 2008 until spring 2012. We may conduct a follow-up study after this date, but we will only contact those students who agree to participate in the follow-up phase.

Every student in the Wabash National Study will participate in three rounds of assessments. The first round is in fall 2008, the second round will be held in spring 2009, and the final round will be in spring 2012.

My phone number, email address, or mailing address has changed. What should I do?

Email ACT. Include your name, institution name, and your new contact information in the text of the email. For address changes, please indicate whether the change is for your mailing address at school or your permanent mailing address.

When are the next assessment sessions?

The next assessment sessions will be in spring 2009.

What do I do if I want to drop out of the study?

We hope that you will reconsider dropping out of the study. Your participation is important to us and all the institutions in the study. If you need to end your involvement with the study, please notify us by emailing ACT. In your email please tell us why you have decided to leave the study.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my college or university’s involvement with this study?

Contact the on-campus coordinator for your institution:

Institution                                                              On-Campus Coordinator
Alverno College Glen Rogers
Augustana College Tim Schermer
Bard College at Simon's Rock Anne O'Dwyer
Bennington College Wendy Hirsch
Blackburn College Sam Meredith
Brandeis University Michaele Whelan
Carleton College Elizabeth Ciner & Chico Zimmerman
College of the Holy Cross Denise Bell
Community College of Rhode Island Jeanne Mullaney
Drew University Carolyn Hoffman
Hampshire College Carol Trosset
Hobart and William Smith Colleges Ron Gerrard
Lasell College Steven Bloom
Marlboro College Sirkka Kauffman
Millersville University Lisa Shibley
New College of Florida Julie Morris
Oxford College of Emory University Sata Riutta
Prescott College Jack Herring
Ripon College Jeanne Williams
Salem State University Chris Fauske
University of Rhode Island Deborah Grossman-Garber
Wabash College Julie Olsen
Warren Wilson College Don Ray & Allyson Hettrick
Wheelock College Julie Wollman
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Richard Vaz & Melissa Mahoney
Worcester State College Maureen Erickson

Who should I contact if I have questions about the purpose and goals of the study or about study results, or if I want more information about the study overall?

Email the principal researcher, Charles Blaich or the study coordinator, Kelly McDorman .