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Wilson-Bernard's Story Published, Play Performed

"The Story Taker" by Owen Duston Visiting Professor of English Ravyn Wilson-Bernard was published in Haunting Voices, Haunting Places: An Anthology of Writers of the Old and New South, Halcyon Press in April 2008. Professor Wilson-Bernard’s play "The Eternally Orange Necklace" was produced by Bluff City Tri-Arts Theatre Company at Southwest Tennessee Community College Theatre in April. She also presented a paper entitled, "What Should Women Pack in Their Survival Kits?: Thwarted Sexual Autonomy in Alice Walker’s By the Light of My Father’s Smile, at South Central Modern Language Association Conference last November, and in June was a panelist for a roundtable discussion at the National Women's Studies Association Conference, where the subject was "men in the women's studies classroom." In June, Professor Wilson-Bernard was also selected to participate in the Women of Color Leadership Conference at the National Women's Studies Association.