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Photo Albums

Fall 2008 Photo Shoot Album Two

a man looking at a piece of wood

Theater Professor James Gross works with Nate Powell in the Scenography class.

a man looking at a box

Hands on project work was the order of the day for the students in the Scenograpy class taught by Professor James Gross.

a woman sitting at a desk

Music Professor Vanessa Rogers listens along with two senior students in a Senior Seminar course. The students were discussing the various tempos of compositions.

a group of men sitting at a table

Jay Brouwer and Rich Lehmann discuss music in Professor Vanessa Rogers' Music Senior Seminar course.

a man in a red shirt and glasses

The students in Professor Marc Hudson's Creative Writing Poetry class were "workshopping" poems written by the students.

a man wearing glasses and a pink shirt

Professor Marc Hudson.

a man in a suit sitting at a desk with his hand on his face

Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science Scott Himsel listens to one of his students in Constitutional Law. 

a group of people looking at a laptop

Visiting Assistant Professor of English Crystal Benedicks works with students on laptop computers in a composition class.

a man in a white shirt

Professor Ethan Hollander — teaching Comparative Politics — had the unique opportunity to debrief both the election results and the media's election coverage with an energetic class.

a man in a white shirt

Professor Hollander showed his students the new "red state," "blue state" map, but cautioned the students not to take the designations at face value, then showed more in-depth analysis of the Indiana election results.

a man raising his hand up

Associate Professor of Modern Languages Gilberto Gomez went through election headlines from Spanish newspapers to start his Wednesday class.

a man standing in front of a chalkboard

Gomez' class of 14 students listened as he walked them through Spanish newspaper headlines and even internet videos reviewing the U.S. election.

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