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Students Arrive for 116th Honors

High school students from across Indiana and the country will spend one of the most important weekends of their college decision-making process at Wabash beginning Friday.

The 116th Honor Scholarship Weekend is the biggest recruitment time of the year for Wabash College.  Approximately 400 students and many of their parents will be on campus Friday and Saturday. It’s such a big weekend because traditionally two-thirds of those who attend will enroll in the fall.

The weekend is full of activities and testing. The testing determines scholarship and placement for the Class of 2013.

One of the Friday morning highlights is the chance for students to learn about Wabash clubs and activities. An activity fair and registration in Chadwick Court get the weekend started. Clubs, organizations, and living units have tables to talk to visiting students about their place on campus.

The first official activity is a welcome at 11:30 a.m. from President Patrick White, Student Senate President Mark Thomas, Independent Men’s Association President Jonathan Hogge, and Interfraternity Council President Brent Graham.

The afternoon will be filled with exams and other academic sessions. The evening program is a banquet, living unit tours, Honor Scholarship Concert, and Fraternity open houses.

Saturday morning is full of more testing with free time in the afternoon to attend a Wabash baseball game or track meet. Saturday night is a fun evening with dinner in living units then Comedian/Hypnotist Dale K. entertaining at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel.

Students interested in the Fine Arts will begin arriving Thursday for a special day of activity and opportunity to win scholarships.

An important part of the weekend is the parents program, much of which follows the student schedule. But a special parent panel takes place Friday morning with a look at student research and immersion learning in the afternoon.

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