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Faculty Notes: Scholars and Teachers

Selected presentation and publications by Wabash faculty

Distinguished Teaching Professor of History at SUNY-Geneseo Bill Cook ’66 is Visiting Professor of Religion at Wabash for the next two years, and students started enjoying his lively teaching style in September.

A renowned scholar of St. Francis of Assisi, Professor Cook also presented the commencement address at the Thomas Bilney Theological Seminary at Ohio in September, two lectures at the University of St Francis in Ft. Wayne, a lecture to the Franciscan Healthcare executives in South Bend, IN and a lecture to honor donors of the Catholic Diocese of Worcester, MA.?

In December, he participated in a three-day symposium on Leonardo da Vinci at the Aspen Institute in Colorado, and in March Bill began taping a 36-lecture course for The Teaching Company on the History of the Catholic Church.

Assistant Professor of German Sarah Painitz’ article "Political Bodies: Physiognomy in Veza Canetti’s Fiction" was published in Modern Austrian Literature. She also presented "Vision, Power, and the Reader in Hofmannsthal's Das Marchen der 672. Nacht" at the German Studies Association’s national convention in St. Paul, MN in October.

Associate Professor of Biology Eric Wetzel traveled to Lima, Peru to present two talks to the First Peruvian Congress of Helminthology and Associated Invertebrates at the International Meeting of Asociacion Peruana de Helmintologia e Invertebrados Afines (APHIA)—"The role of habitat in the structuring of the Halipegus occidualis (Trematoda: Hemiuridae) metapopulation of the green frog, Rana clamitans," and "Big decisions in a small stream: Population dynamics and life history of Crepidostomum cornutum (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae) in its two intermediate hosts."

At the same meeting, Wetzel also presented, along with his former student Kyle Luth ’08, "Population dynamics of Crepidostomum cornutum in its crayfish second intermediate host." Luth had given an oral presentation of this same poster earlier last year at the 60th Annual Midwestern Conference of Parasitologists, Urbana-Champaign, IL, where he won the Raymond M. Cable Award for the best undergraduate presentation at the meeting. Luth is currently studying Wake Forest University with Wetzel’s doctorate advisor, Professor Jerry Esch.

Professor of Art Doug Calisch exhibited his recent sculpture and photography in January at Knox College in a solo exhibition titled "The Biography of Objects;" at the Lafayette Museum of Art in an invitational exhibition titled "Art For A New Century;" and at The Indianapolis Art Center in an invitational exhibition titled "Re-Use / Re-Order."

Visiting Professor of Art Kristin Wilkins exhibited her photography and her video "All Good Things will Come to You" in "Time is Eternity" in the Eric Dean Gallery at the College’s Fine Arts Center last fall. Her video installation was the result of work with interns Anthony Morton ’10 and Matt Goodrich ’09 and featured several members of the Wabash community, including Barb Easterling (in photo below), Professor Emeritus Dick Strawn, Eileen Bowen, Macie Rudoff, and Samantha Amidon.