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Make Plans to Visit Wabash This Summer

You're a high school junior and all that stands between you and your long-awaited, much-anticipated senior year is a few weeks of school and a handful of exams.  Once that day arrives, others will start asking (if they haven't already) "What are your plans for the summer?"  If your summer plans include visits to a handful of colleges, we hope you will add Wabash to your list.

Although classes won't be in session, there's a lot to see and do here in the summer.  Your visit could include the following:

• Student led campus tour
• Faculty interview (you may get a peek at what their research interns are up to)
• Meeting with a Wabash coach
• Admissions interview
• Early estimate appointment with our Financial Aid Office

For families interested in an early estimate appointment, you will have to submit some tax documents to our Financial Aid Office prior to your visit.  A complete list of those items can be found here.

Schedule your visit online or give us a call at 800-345-5385.