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A Note From Coach Casares

A Note From Coach Casares…

I created the videos on this website in order to demonstrate what an amazing place Wabash College is – and will continue to be. The first time I arrived on campus I immediately knew Wabash was the right place to build a top swimming program. The mixture of top tier academics and superior athletic support was unmatched by every university and college I had seen before. Further, Wabash’s history and tradition coupled with its undying vision for the future was exactly the right combination for success.

Now, over the past couple of years I have worked with dozens of Senior Nationals qualifiers, National Record holders, Olympic Trial qualifiers, and even an Olympic athlete. I have walked the deck with many of this country’s best athletes and coaches, and now I have decided to call Wabash College my home.

Wabash College?… Why a small Division III college? Why a college for men?…

Well to be honest there are a lot of reasons why I am here at Wabash.

Why a College for Men?

First, many of you may be stuck on the college for men statement, and to be honest, I can understand that. Sometimes “different” can be challenging to accept and easily dismissed. However, in the world of education there is undeniable support for both single sex and co-ed institutions, and as someone that has worked at both, I know both can produce excellent results. Personally, I look at it as an advantage. In the world of recruiting, if anything I need to be different and unique. I need to sell something very special – and Wabash is exactly that.

Over the last five years Wabash has made headlines in the world of academia. A college for men, a dying breed, and yet a college prospering like never before. Better national rankings, better students, an amazing endowment, and undying support and love from alumni, students, and friends. How can this be? Well, it comes down to one thing… the people. Everyone affiliated with the school, from the students to the faculty, from parents to siblings, and even the town of Crawfordsville, lives and dies for Wabash. They see the amazing results this school has had with its alumni, they see the type of person who chooses Wabash, and they don’t want it to change.

That is why I am here. I want to be a part of someplace special and unique, and I know the student athlete who chooses Wabash will be one that will stop at nothing to be his best. Selfishly, what environment could be better for a coach (or dare I say, athlete)?

Why Division III?

After seeing the best and worst of NCAA Swimming, I can honestly say I believe Division III is the only place where men’s swimming is not only improving, but also prospering. Year in and year out, the national meet in Division III gets faster. Further, there are dozens of swimmers that could compete at the Division I National meet choosing Division III. Most importantly, every year the meet continues to get more and more exciting. So you may be asking yourself why are 1:36 200 Freestylers, 47 100 Flyers, and 55 100 Breaststrokers choosing Division III? Well, who really knows, but I will tell you that it is most likely because…

a) They see the combination of education and swimming not only working together, but developing the character and skills needed to succeed in the real world.
b) They want to get to a national meet all four years so that they have the right opportunities to learn, improve, and reach their potential.
c) They want to be part of a team at one of the fastest meets in the world.
d) Maybe the security of DIII men’s swimming is attractive. In the last 20 years over 70 men’s swimming programs have been cut, and none at the Division III level. It has never happened and it won’t ever happen.

Simply put, the opportunities to develop and improve, both in the pool and in the classroom, do not exist at any other level exactly like they do in Division III institutions.

Why Wabash College?

Wabash is challenging. I like that. You will be challenged in the classroom and challenged in the pool. You will learn quite quickly that both your professors and coach will ask a lot of you, but more importantly, they will support you every step of the way. A Wabash education is truly special, and in my opinion Wabash is the best school in the country at developing the character and vision it takes to be successful in our rapidly changing job market.

You are now a senior in High School and soon many will be asking you about your future. Things like your college choice, your academic interest, and your future career will all be questions you will need to answer. Some find it overwhelming. Others have been waiting their whole life for this type of control. With that said, I will conclude your introduction to Wabash in true Wabash fashion, by handing you a challenge. I challenge you to look 10 years ahead and think about the opportunities you need to experience in order to be successful. If you believe a top of the line education coupled with four years of swimming, team dynamics, and leadership opportunities can help develop the skills you need… well then come to Wabash and check us out. I promise, you will find everything you believe in.

Peter Casares
Head Swimming Coach
Wabash College