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Meet the Candidates

Jacob Moore 2011

Hello, my name is Jacob Moore from Theta Delta Chi, class of 2011, running for Student Body President.  I am currently in my fourth semester in Student Senate, spending the last two semesters as the President Pro Tempore of the Student Senate.  I am the president of the College Democrats and Model UN clubs, and was previously the Membership Director of the Indiana College Democrats.  I want to refocus the Student Senate.  First and foremost I want to reform how our student activity fees are used.  There is a trend in Senate now to spend our money on more frivolous clubs, and items that greatly take away the ability for clubs to function.  We need to spend our money on activities that are going to help our Wabash men get the most out of their Wabash experiences.  One of the cuts that I would change immediately are faculty dinners.  This is a great way for our faculty to get to know us in a non-classroom setting, and unfortunately it was one of the first things cut the past two semesters.  We also need to make sure that our money is used correctly and on time to ensure that students are given the best opportunity to enhance their Wabash experience.  To accomplish this I will hold audits half way through the semester for every club, encouraging clubs that haven’t used the money they were allocated to send it back to Senate to allow other clubs the opportunity to have activities.  I will also continue to encourage the funding of campus wide activities, believing that anything that brings our college community together is worthwhile.  I also would take the Senate in a more representational directional.  In the past few weeks our Student Senate disregarded a survey sent out by the SCAC.  300 students voted in the survey to bring Kid Cudi, roughly 240 in favor and 60 opposed.  The majority of our Senators voted to not send out another survey, go back and talk to the students they represent, or bring Kid Cudi to Wabash, using the logic that every student that didn’t fill out the survey obviously didn’t want Kid Cudi to come to Wabash.  This is unacceptable. I want to be your representative, not only in Senate, but to the College as well.  I respectfully ask for the opportunity and privilege to represent you, the students of Wabash College.

  Stevan Stankovich 2012

Class of 2012 Please Stand Up!

Hey Class of 2012.  My name is Stevan Stankovich and I am currently one of your four 2012 class representatives. I live in the former Delt House “Cole Hall” and have been involved in groups throughout campus as both President of Prelaw Society, Habitat for Humanity, and Orthodox Christian Fellowship, as well as Treasurer for Mock Trial, Model United Nations, and College Democrats Club as well as a member and liaison for Alpha Phi Omega and involved in numerous other clubs and groups across campus.  I am very volunteer oriented and having lived both in the Greek system and independent system I am aware and have experience with issues from all sides of the 2012 class.  I have also been an active 2012 class representative sending out emails and always open to questions and willing to fight for your issues.  As a representative I have managed to maintain that students have the right to appeal administrations disciplinary actions if viewed as unfair.  I am also on a committee to make the allocation of funds to clubs an easier and more transparent process.  I would love to still work for you the Class of 2012 and push for your issues.  Let’s make the Class of 2012 the best class that Wabash has ever seen.  I want to continue to fight and work for you and would appreciate your vote.

  WABASH ALWAYS FIGHTS!!! Stevan Stankovich

Adam Miller
Sophomore Class Representative
As a Peer Career Advisor, Member of the Football Team, Indiana Pacers Campus Representative, and a Member of SIFE: Business Ethics, I have a proven record of leadership and possess crucial time management skills.  As Class Representative I will continue to maintain a strong work ethic and will strive to represent our class with the upmost respect.  In the coming year I will focus on organizing campus wide events which will unite the student body and make our beloved campus even more enjoyable. As the lead organizer of Monday Night Football on the Mall, I have developed necessary organizational skills which will carry over into this new and exciting role. Citing the NSSE, only 51% of freshmen “feel well-supported by the institution regarding their social needs.” By voting for me for Class Representative, I will diligently work towards uniting the campus through new and fresh campus events.


Andrew Forrester, Class of 2011, Morris Hall
Running for: Class of 2011 Representative.

My name is Andrew Forrester and I’m running for Representative of the Class of 2011. For the past year, I have represented our class with pride and I would be honored to do so again. The main reason I ran last year was because I love Wabash and I wanted to be a part of the student decision making. That is once again my main goal. In Senate, I have been a member of the Audit & Finance Committee for the past two semesters and have worked very hard to allocate money in a fair way toward all clubs while cutting wasteful and needless spending. This is a job that I take very seriously and will continue to work hard at if I am elected again. Just like a number of classmates have approached me over the last year regarding Senate issues, I will remain approachable for anyone who has a comment or complaint about something affecting the Student Body. I am involved in numerous activities on campus which allows me to have a good pulse for problems that the Senate might need to address. I am proud to be an independent living in Morris Hall, but I have worked hard to provide representation to my fellow classmates in fraternities and independents alike. Finally, I have a near-perfect attendance record in representing my class. The only time I missed and did not send a proxy was when I went to support the Wabash basketball team in Indianapolis two weeks ago. As I said before, I want to continue to fight against wasteful spending and fight for fair allocation to all clubs. I don’t have any specific agenda other than to represent the Class of 2011 faithfully. I would be honored if you allowed me to continue to represent you for the next year in your Student Senate. Thank you.

  Name: Riley Floyd Living Unit: College Hall Year: Freshman Running for: 2013 Class Representative  

Senate worked hard to approve funding for a printer in every living unit. I want to work for the freshman class to improve upon the changes that came before us and to institute new ones. Our recent D- in environmental sustainability is a major cause for concern. But it also calls us to action. We can reframe the College's environmental reputation. As a class representative, I'll work to institute a campus-wide recycling initiative. If we can put a printer in every living unit, surely we can do the same with recycling bins.  Additionally, I want to be there when important budgetary decisions are made. As the economy recovers, fiscal responsibility is more important than ever. We must be careful not to spend recklessly. As  your representative, I'll work to reduce frivolous spending in the discretionary budget and make sure that the class's voice is heard on  matters like the National Act, etc. I love Wabash. I'm proud to be a student here, and I hope that I will be trusted to represent the class of 2013.   Michael Carper Freshman FIJI Class representative I'm running because I like listening to students voice their opinions about the college. I hope to represent the voice of freshman in the Student Body.  I would increase communication between the Student Body and the students. I, personally, would send a email to the freshman after every meeting about what the Student Body did and how I voted.  

Steve Henke 2012
My name is Steve Henke and I’m running for a spot as Class of 2012’s Student Senate Representative. After having served for a year in the senate, I’ve seen how our system works. As Vice President of APO, Events Coordinator for the Conservative Union, Treasurer for the Case Study Club and a writer for the Bachelor, I know how difficult it is to juggle the responsibilities of Wabash curriculum with extracurricular. So as the Class Representative, I will continue to streamline the process of putting money in the hands of willing and able students. For the coming months, I will put my focus on uniting the campus and surrounding students with great events like the St. Mary’s Service Project or Casino Night while balancing student-initiated activities (like Dr. Tom G. Palmer’s speech on Thursday, December 10 in Baxter 101). Lasting initiatives like improving the Armory, establishing partnerships with nearby schools for events, and refining the allocation process are at the top of my agenda. Cast your vote for hope, justice and steady progress with Steve Henke.

Rob Dyer

I am a freshman and a FIJI pledge at Wabash this year, and I am running for Student Senate Class Representative. The most obvious responsibility of the Student Senate is allocating funds to clubs.  For the most part, I believe the senate has done a commendable job in this respect. However, the senate needs greater oversight as to how clubs are spending the student body’s activity fees.  In several cases, large sums of money have been provided to benefit different clubs, with only a few members receiving the benefits.  While any attempts improve the quality of life at this campus are necessary to our well-being, I believe funds should be better allocated to bring the greatest share of the benefit to the most people. All-campus activities, such as National Act, bring the student body together. This is the prime purpose of the Student Senate.  My goal as a senator is to better unite the men on campus—both fraternity and independent. I am a firm proponent of Greek life at Wabash.  I believe the fraternity environment compounds the ideals that make Wabash unique.  Our strong fraternity culture is one of the reasons this school is so successful.  Fraternities instill respect for Wabash and its traditions more than any other organization can. But the system isn’t flawless; fraternity men who put their houses ahead of their school involvement lose a vital part of the Wabash experience.  Conversely, independent men who take the initiative to participate in traditions such as Chapel Sing deserve a great deal of praise.  These men willingly partake in tradition because they have a genuine interest in Wabash College.  However, they represent a minority of the independent student body. I believe the Student Senate is the only organization on campus, which can simultaneously bring fraternity and independent men together through Wabash tradition.  As a senator, I will work to implement a system to reward different living units, both Greek and Independent, for greater campus involvement.  Unifying the student body through tradition fosters an improvement in every sector of campus life, be it academic, athletic or social. I appreciate the opportunity to run for this office and to build on over 150 years of Wabash tradition. Together we can preserve this tradition and, as a unified body, remind our rivals that Wabash Always Fights.

  Alex Robbins 2013

My name is Alex Robbins and I am a freshman at Beta Theta Pi running for Class of 2013 representative. While sitting in on the student senate as a proxy for a current member I noticed a level of apathy among some of the members. They seemed to be more interested in getting out of the session than taking care of the issues that the Wabash community needs addressed. They have been chosen by their peers to represent, not only those in their class or living unit, but every Wabash man. I intend to run for student senate because it is a way for me to give back to the Wabash community. It is a way for me to try and make Wabash a better place. 

  Cody Stipes 2011

My name is Cody Stipes and I am running to be your Student Body President.  Along with my running mate Michael Nossett, we plan to further the mission of our college as we prepare for the uncertainty of tomorrow.  Our college is changing and this is a time for strong leadership within our student body.  The platform for which I am running is simple:  Tradition, Vision, and Innovation.  As your President, I will always fight to uphold the traditions of this college and to do all that I can to maintain and strengthen the core of what makes Wabash so special.  I will have the vision to work through the problems that arise in the coming months and to see that the ideas of the student body remain the focus of our future. Then, I will have the innovation to make sure that those ideas become a reality. 
Over the past few weeks, fraternity members have been told not to vote for me solely because I am not a fraternity member and that I would not represent their values.  Independents have also been told to vote for me because “I’m one of them” and can be trusted.   Gentlemen, I am not the “Greek candidate” and I can guarantee you that I am not the “Independent candidate.”  I am the Wabash candidate.  If elected I will represent the views of all Wabash men, because that is why I am running.  I am running to make our student body stronger, to bring unification to our campus, and to be the man who will represent your views to the trustees, the alumni, the faculty, and the administration.  You will never hear me say anything poorly about Mr. Nossett’s opponents or my own.   All of these gentlemen are capable leaders, but none of them possess the experience that Michael Nossett and I have for these positions.  If elected, we will not work to maintain the status quo, but to create a status quo.  We will not strive to achieve, but to overachieve.  We will work harder and more diligently then any two men who have ever previously held these positions and we will make Wabash a better place.  That is my promise to you.  I am Cody Stipes and I am running to be your Student Body President.  Thank you!    In Wabash, Cody Stipes  ‘11   Joe Reese 2011My name is Joe Reese.  I am a sophomore in the Wabash College class of 2012.  I live in Martindale Hall, and I am running for the position of Wabash College Vice-President of the Student Body. I am running for the position of Vice-President of the Student Body to make Wabash a better place.  As Vice-President of the Student Body I will persuade the student senate to more appropriately allocate funds to the clubs, I will persuade the student senate to hold more on-campus student social functions, and I will persuade the student senate to resolve many of the underlying issues at Wabash.  I have a plan to accomplish these tasks as well as many others.  If elected Vice-President of the Student Body, I will not let Wabash down. 

Michael Nossett 2011

As your Vice-President, my focus will be three-fold: first, to increase student involvement by making the Student Senate both more transparent and more efficient; second, to increase the effectiveness of student advocacy with the Administration, the Alumni, and the Faculty; and third, to increase the unity of our student body – Greeks and Independents, Students and Administration/Faculty/Staff – during these difficult times.

The Vice-Presidency is a position of great importance to our student body in the roles it entails. As Chairman of the Student Senate, and as the Student Body’s Representative to both the Alumni and the Faculty, the Vice-President is responsible for ensuring that the legislative body of the students functions properly, and for advocating the interests of the student body effectively. Both of these are roles that I believe my experience makes me more than qualified to fulfill.


Having served as the Senator from College Hall for the past five semesters, I have been among the most active of members, serving in numerous capacities and accomplishing much to further the interests of our student body. In addition to my current duties as Secretary of the Student Senate, I have served as a member of the committee that brought printers to each living unit, as Chairman of the Advisory Board Exploratory Committee that defined the disciplinary process with the Dean’s Office, and I have written numerous resolutions and financial reforms. As an at-large member of the Senior Council, I have sought to make that body of student government more open and useful as a means of representing the concerns of the students to both the Faculty and the Administration. Apart from student government, I have and will continue to serve in various capacities with such groups as Wabash Christian Men and the Wabash Conservative Union, and will soon be serving as the RA of Morris Hall.

 As your Vice-President, my focus will be three-fold: first, to increase student involvement by making the Student Senate both more transparent and more efficient; second, to increase the effectiveness of student advocacy with the Administration, the Alumni, and the Faculty; and third, to increase the unity of our student body – Greeks and Independents, Students and Administration/Faculty/Staff – during these difficult times.

 With that said, I would greatly appreciate your vote for Vice-President of the Student Body in this coming election.


Reed Hepburn 2012

Greetings, fellow Wabash men! My name is Reed Hepburn and I am running for the position of Wabash 2012 Class Representative. I grew up in Montgomery County and was home educated, graduated in 2008, and am now proud to call myself a Wally and a brother of Phi Gamma Delta. Recently I realized that this campus is brimming with opportunities for invaluable extracurricular experiences – whether they be artistic, occupational, or social—and I decided to become more involved. This semester, I joined jazz band, took on leadership positions in my fraternity (IFC Representative and Song Leader), and attended as many campus events as possible. I decided to run for student senate because I want to ensure that these opportunities continue to be provided to all Wabash students. In this current age of desperately trimming away at costs, which results in some of our beloved activities being discontinued, I will fight to preserve activities that are most dear to our campus. If elected, I will weigh new proposals open-mindedly, but also with prioritizing discernment. In recent years there has been an unsettling disparity of fraternity men in the Student Senate, despite the fact that 60-70% of Wabash students are currently and have traditionally been Greek.  The lack of Greeks in senate has led to fraternally-hosted events being starved of funding in the name of equality. While allocation of funds must remain unbiased, it is deplorable to cut off funding to a system that comprises the solid majority of our student body, and has consistently fostered, more than anything, a sense of school spirit and unity. I will provide a voice for this currently silent majority, while taking care not to favor Greek events to the unfair exclusion of non-affiliated students. I will fight toward a happy equilibrium where the student body unity, as well as entertainment and enrichment, will be maximized. With this in mind, I humbly ask that you vote for me, Reed Hepburn, to represent the Wabash Class of 2012 in Student Senate.



  Drew Zromkoski 2011 Class of 2011 Representative

As a class of 2011 representative I would hope to help build upon the excellent work already done by the current class representatives. I hope to help better represent all members of my class, Fraternity men and Independents alike, and increase their knowledge of the working of the Wabash College Student Senate. I want to help better represent the interests of my class in the choice of yearly national acts, and with regards to the yearly budget and clubs. I want to make sure that all members of my class have the best final three semesters possible before they leave Wabash College.
Drew Zromkoski

  Name: Rudy Altergott Year: Freshman (Class of 2013) Living Unit: Wolcott Hall Office: Class Representative  

I am running to provide my class with a strong voice in the Senate and to promote the welfare of the College as a whole and the Independent community. I want to make a difference in the College and I feel that the Senate is one of the best ways to do so.

I hope to be able to make fiscal responsibility and conservation a given when it comes to the Budget and to increase campus unity. I would like to see the Senior Council become more amplified and Fraternity/Independent relations strengthened through compromise and cooperation. I want to maintain Wabash traditions while at the same time trying new, effective ideas instead of the same, ineffective ones.
