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Streamin' Dreamin'

In 2003, I announced this dream to my family. I believe my mother spit out her drink, my stepfather pulled me aside and said my career was doomed to fail and this was the first sign, and my grandparents said, “Sounds great!” 

In 2004, when I met my partner, I told him the dream I was planning for post-graduation. He said, “Sounds great, I can’t wait.” 

Here it is 2009. The economy is in the tank, and my job security has a fear of commitment. (“Maybe we should just be friends.”) It is devastating to be jobless. Americans are raised on having jobs. And this may be coming up for me.
Enter the dream.
Everyone else is selling off their hobbies, tightening their belts, hunkering down for a long, cold, depression. Having saved some money myself, it seems the time to take advantage of the flooded market and start working on that dream.
The Airstream.
Read about Visiting Assistant Professor Kristen Wilkins’ summer odyssey across the country in a 1964 Avion Sportsman trailer named Alice at
Photo: Wilkins’ trailer Alice made a great set for the poster advertising Professor of Theater Jim Cherry’s production of The Bacchae. Kelvin Burzon ’12 sketched the original idea for the poster, which Wilkins set up and photographed.