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Consumer Information

Consumer Information
Peer to Peer File Sharing Policy, Sanctions, and Explicit Warning of Civil and Criminal Liabilities 
Annual Fire Safety report to include: for most recent year by each campus housing facility the number of fires (all types), injuries requiring medical care, deaths, value of property damage.
For each housing facility a description of the fire system (including sprinklers), number of regular mandatory fire drills, policies on portable electrical appliances, smoking and open flames, evacuation procedures, fire safety education and training and a plan for improving fire safety , if deemed necessary.
Fire Log (nature, date, time, general location) occurring in student housing facilities.
Campus Security (Clery Act update) Annual report to include: Policies for immediate emergency response and evacuation procedures (including electronic and cellular communication if used). (We are required to immediately notify campus upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation (not to compromise emergency efforts), publish emergency response and evacuation procedures on an annual bases in a manger that reaches students and staff, and to test emergency procedures on an annual basis.) The Clery Act update also indentifies additional offenses to be reported as hate crimes, and requires more detailed memorandums of understanding with law enforcement agencies.
Missing Persons Policy. Establish a missing person policy for students living on campus that includes: giving students the option of identifying an individual to notifies within 24 hours after the time a student is determined to be missing, advises students who are under 18 that the institution is required to notify a parent or guardian if the student is missing, informs the students that law enforcement will be notified not later than 24 hours after a student is determined to be missing, and requires the institution to initiate contact procedures if a student is missing more than 24 hours.
Financial Aid Information and Calculator (Net price calculator, can do our own or use Dept. of Education’s. Most post on our website. (due by fall 20??)
Student Loan Policies (All institutions that participate in federal aid programs or have entered into preferred provider arrangements to develop and publish (web) a code of conduct covering a list of proscribed items and to annually inform officers, employees and agents of the code responsibilities.)
(Title II—A school receiving Title IV student aid that operates a Teacher Education program must develop on an annual basis, quantifiable goals for increasing the number of high school teachers, as designated by the Secretary of Education of the state educational agency.)