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What Women Want from their Wabash Men

WM asked the wives of Wabash alumni:
What do you wish your husband or significant other would do for his own well-being?
Relax. He doesn’t do that very easily; he always has to be doing something.
He can be a perfectionist at times, which causes him unnecessary stress. He needs to not worry so much about work.
Play more! I think his stress level would be less if he would play basketball, baseball, or work out—doing something fun with friends like he used to. (And sitting and watching TV does not count for play!)
Go to the doctor for annual check-ups, particularly as he gets older and there are recommended tests that he should have.
Get some “preventative maintenance.” I think a lot of men don’t take proactive health measures because they don’t want to know the bad news (that their blood pressure or cholesterol is too
high, etc.).
I wish he’d take more time for himself to do something enjoyable. Otherwise, he never goes out to do things with friends like my women friends and I do—just goes  to work and goes home.
Have a stress test for his heart, and a prostate exam.
Take more breaks when working at the computer screen.
Don’t wait so long to go to  the doctor when he’s sick or has a health issue.
Balance his time differently.  I understand that his job  has many obligations outside of traditional business hours,  but we once said that we  never wanted to work harder for our employer than we do for our family.
I know he would feel better physically and mentally if he didn’t skip meals, then eat large portions at the next meal to make up for it. I don’t think  he quite gets the cumulative effect this will have on him over time.
I wish he were more careful when he is working on projects. He is always bumping his head or cutting his fingers!
Now that he is accessible 24-7 with his Blackberry, he’ll oftentimes work from home when there is “down-time.” I would like to see him look at that time at home as off-limits to work, barring emergencies, of course.
What does he do already that would be a good example for other men?
Exercise (although he is a little on the extreme side!)
He talks with and confides in good friends, who will always listen and make him laugh.
He is very involved with his family and children and truly enjoys spending time with us, whether at home watching a movie together or out and about.
He takes his lunch to work, which contributes to healthy eating and money saving!
He loves sharing his passions with the children, hiking, fishing, golfing, and so many other activities.
He gets preventative health checkups.
He eats desserts in moderation, and he gets exercise regularly. He also takes a vitamin every day.
He eats well—lots of fruits and vegetables.
I can’t think of anything!
What do you wish he would do for your well-being?
If he would take better care  of himself, my well-being would be improved!
He can continue to cook nutritious and delicious dinners.
I would love to have more help in the kitchen with the preparation of healthy meals. He is usually home first but rarely starts dinner, so too often we have quick meal options that are often less healthy options, as well. 
I honestly think if we exercised together, it would be great for both of us. That might be my resolution for 2010!
I wish he would show more affection.
Photo by Kim Johnson
Models: Daniel King '10, Sara Bobay