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Humanities and Fine Arts Department (Division II) Names Honorees at Annual Awards Chapel

Division II (The Humanities and Fine Arts) have announced the following awards given at a recent Student Honors, Awards, and Prizes Chapel held at the College.
The awards and their recipients are:
• Randolph H. Deer Prize for Outstanding and Continued Work in Art: Kelvin Burzon
The Deer Prize is made possible by a gift from Randolph H. Deer. The prize is set up to reward and encourage art majors for exceptional work during their freshman and sophomore years. The recipients are selected by the Art Department faculty based on their achievements in the art department. The prize will be awarded in two installments: half before the junior year, and renewable before the senior year.
• David B. Greene Award for Distinguished Work in Art History: Kevin M. Andrews
• McLain Prize in Classics: Mitchell D. Brown and Denver T. Wade
The McLain Prize in Classics provides an annual cash award to the member of the senior class whose achievement in Greek and Latin or in the Classics has been the most distinguished. The prize honors the memory of Henry Zwingli McLain, a professor of Greek and Secretary of the Faculty, 1874-1907.
• Walter L. Fertig Prize in English: Joel M. Harker and John A. Henry
The Walter L. Fertig Prize in English is given to a member of the senior class who, in the judgment of the English Department, has accomplished distinguished work in his study of English and American literature.
• Ruth Margaret Farber Award in English: Austin E. Flynn and Chadwick P. Woods
The Farber Award was created by John Farber, a 1915 Wabash graduate, in honor of his mother, the award goes to the member of the junior class who has shown the most promise as a student of English and American literature.
• Nicholas Harrison Essay Award: Gary D. James (1st) and Riley H. Floyd (2nd)
The Harrison Essay Award is made each year from a fund established in 1944 by Mrs. Nancy E. Harrison in memory of her husband, Class of 1895. It is awarded to the students who submit the best essays in the field of American studies.
• Robert S. Edwards Award in Creative Writing: Michael J. Richmond
The Robert S. Edwards Award is given to one who demonstrates the greatest skill and originality in creative writing in a course offered by the English Department.
• Robert O. Petty Nature Writing Prize: Paul F. Wilson
• Kudlaty Senior Spanish Award: Joshua N. Lopez
The Kudlaty Award was established to honor and extend Professor Jack Kudlaty’s life-long commitment to teaching and scholarship in Spanish language and literature and is given to the outstanding Spanish major at Wabash.
• Robert A. King German Prize: Michael W. Vick
The Robert King Prize is given to student of the graduating class who has an exceptionally fine record in German and who will continue his education after graduation from Wabash. The prize was established to honor the memory of Professor King, who as a teacher and registrar served the College from 1891 to 1919.
• Annie Crim Leavenworth French Prize: Emanual F. Harper IV
The Leavenworth French Prize is presented annually to a student of French who demonstrates
exceptional dedication to French language, literature, and culture. Named for Annie Crim Leavenworth, the first woman to hold the rank of Assistant Professor and one of the first French professors at Wabash College.
• J. Harry Cotton Philosophy Prize: Paul F. Wilson
The J. Harry Cotton Prize is given to the student judged by the department to have done the best work in philosophy during the year.
• John N. Mills Prize in Religion: Adam S. Brasich (1st), Clifford G. Kochian III (2nd), Christopher J. Beedie (3rd), Robert J. Wade (4th)
The Mills Prize is awarded to three students who have done excellent work in religion courses, including courses in the Bible, in the Department of Religion.
• John N. Mills Fellowship in Religion: David B. Haggard
The John N. Mills Fellowship, to be used for graduate study, is awarded to a senior who has done excellent work in the Department of Religion.
• Baldwin Prize in Oratory: Donovan S. Bisbee (1st), James M. Nossett (2nd), Andrew K. Forrester (3rd)
The Baldwin Oratorical Contest is held each year and the prizes are awarded to three students who "compose and pronounce the best orations."
• James E. Bingham Award: Aaron W. Bonar and John A. Henry
Given to distinguished seniors who will enroll in an A.B.A.-accredited law school for the next academic year.
• David W. Peck Medal: Alexander C. Ingram
The David W. Peck Medal is awarded each year to a senior to recognize "promise or eminence in the law."
• Daniels Award in Constitutional Law: John A. Henry
The Daniels Award is given to the student whose paper provides the most effective understanding and evaluation of the philosophical bases on which the Anglo American legal order is constructed. It was established in 1974 by Katherine D. Kane in memory of her father.
• Joseph O'Rourke, Jr. Award in Speech: Gary D. James
The O'Rourke, Jr. Prize was established by the family of long-time speech professor Joseph O'Rourke, Jr., the prize is awarded annually to the student with the best Senior Project in the Speech Department.
• William Nelson White Scholarship Award: Nicholas D. Maraman
The White Scholarship Award is given to a senior selected by the college on the basis of scholarship, personal integrity, and an understanding of the professional requirements of the practice of law.
• Kenneth W. Kloth Design & Technical Theater Award: Anthony L. Morton
The Kloth Award, presented to the Wabash student who, in the opinion of the Theater Department faculty and staff, has done outstanding work in the areas of scenic or costume design or technical theater.
• Erminie Leonardis Theater History Award: Kristijonas Paltanavicius
The Leonardis Theater History Award is presented to a student who, in the estimation of the Theater Department faculty, has done outstanding work in the study of theater history, dramatic literature or criticism.
• Ryan Champion Theater Performance Award: Spencer J. Elliott
The Theater Prize is given to the student who, in the judgment of the theater department staff, has shown exceptional merit in his onstage production work. The criteria for the award include energy and commitment to high standards throughout the rehearsal process, artistic growth and excellence in performance.
• R. Robert Mitchum Glee Club Leadership Award: Aaron W. Bonar and Forrest D. Craig
The Mitchum Award is derived from the R. Robert Mitchum Glee Club Endowment. It was established by former glee club members in honor of the late director and is awarded to a member of the Glee Club who demonstrates outstanding leadership qualities.
• The Glee Club Senior Award: Patrick D. Griffith and Benjamin T. Harvill III
The Glee Club Senior Award is presented to a student who has made the most valuable contribution of effort and talent to the group.
• Louis Catuogno, Jr. Piano Prize: Forrest D. Craig
The Louis Catuogno Prize in Piano, made possible by a gift from Mrs. Edward McLean in memory of her brother who was chairman of the Department of Piano at Texas Technological University at Lubbock, Texas, is awarded to that student who, in the estimation of the chair of the Music Department at Wabash College, demonstrates ability and appreciation of piano as a medium of musical expression.
The Student Honors, Awards, and Prizes Chapel is held every year at Wabash to honor students with awards and prizes for their outstanding work they have demonstrated throughout their college years.


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