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Computer Services Launches Cues Magazine

Computer Services is proud to announce the launch of Cues, an Internet based publication sponsored by the Wabash College Computer Services Department as a bi-monthly showcase of educational technology in the Wabash College community.

The goal of this web-based publication is to highlight the uses of computers and computer-aided technology in the Wabash community. We will strive to show the different ways in which technology is helping enhance and change the lives of students, faculty, staff and families. So the stories might be serious, humorous or even very strange, but we hope each story will help people think of technology in a different way, or to consider how one might use a piece of technology in a new way. This is all part of our goal to encourage the discussion of technology in a liberal arts sense, where technology is seen as a way to make learning and teaching better, rather than being dreaded as something new that is important to learn yet to do is unpleasant.

Our goals might be a little lofty, but I sincerely hope that we can provide a source of information that people will like to read each time we release a new edition on or about the 5th and 20th of each month.

As with any new project, this is not the final product. We will be continually adding new content, as well as changing designs and layout. Some of the features to expect from us:

Stories about how technology is affecting the Wabash community with a focus on the personal, not the technical side of the story. This is not a technical magazine, and we do not want to scare away the non-technical members of our community. A Q & A section where we try to answer some of the community’s questions. This also can be a forum by which we will respond to reader comments. We hope that we will receive stories written by members of the community. These stories could describe how technology is helpful or improved the way in which they live or work. This helps us accomplish our goal of being a venue for discussion of technology.

Of course a feature I hope to keep around is a column like this where a writer discusses an issue that affects the community that involves technology. This is not intended to be a space for a writer to rant about a topic, but a forum for bring out a different perspective on a topic that the reader possibly has not explored.

So in the coming months we hope you will enjoy Cues and find it to be a useful resource.

For more information see: