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Writing a Special Letter of Thanks

As a recipient of a privately contributed scholarship, award, or prize at Wabash College, you are expected to express your written appreciation to those who made it possible. A personal note of thanks from you reinforces the College’s efforts to assure a donor that his or her investment in Wabash is meaningful, appreciated, and being used as promised.
The tips provided below will assist you as you prepare your thank-you letter.
  • Include either your campus or permanent address at the top of the letter.
  • Be sure to include these things on your letter: the date, the recipient’s name and address, a greeting (Dear Mr. _______), and a closing (such as Sincerely, ____________).
  • In the body of the letter, mention the name of the scholarship/award/prize.
  • Express your gratitude for the scholarship/award/prize and tell the donor how it will help you – use words such as “thank you,” “grateful,” “thankful,” and “appreciate.”
  • Include information about yourself: your major, hometown, campus activities, and career aspirations will make your letter more personal.
  • Be clear and concise. Check and re-check your spelling and grammar.
  • E-mail your letter to Kim Johnson in the Public Affairs Office (Advancement) at, or take it to her office on the second floor of Kane House.
  • The Advancement Office will print and send your thank-you letter to the benefactor of the scholarship/award/prize.
If you have questions or need help in composing your thank-you letter, please contact:
Kim Johnson
Office for Advancement
Kane House
phone: (765)361-6209