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Frequently Asked Questions about Named Scholarships

Why was I selected to receive my scholarship and who chose me?

The Financial Aid Office makes named scholarship selections based on criteria and preferences requested by the donor when he or she established the scholarship. It is important that the College meet the expectations set by the donor – this is part of being a good “steward” of the gift. Selection for a named scholarship carries honor and prestige, a tribute to your hard work and dedication to various pursuits at Wabash and your postgraduate plans.
Why do I need to write a letter if I already keep in touch with the donor?
It is good practice to write a thank you letter each year when you are notified of receiving a named scholarship, even if you already know and keep in touch with the donor. Your thank you letter will always be appreciated. It is a good idea to thank the donor one more time for his or her support of the College. You can never say “thank you” too often!
Is the scholarship money additional to my financial aid package?
The named scholarship you receive is part of your financial aid package for the current academic year. A donor’s gift to the College through a named scholarship helps support the general scholarship fund that contributes to your financial aid package.
Do I need to formally apply for a named scholarship?
No, the Financial Aid Office will match students and scholarships each year when the financial aid packages are determined.
I don’t meet some or all of the criteria for the scholarship, so why did I get it?
The Financial Aid office works diligently to match students with scholarship criteria based on information from various sources, including your admission application, major, hometown, campus activities, career interests, and other details you have shared with the College. Sometimes circumstances change mid-year after the award is made and they do not meet the donor’s restrictions, but the award is continued for that academic year.
Why didn’t I get a scholarship this year if I got it last year?
If circumstances such as your major, class year, or career plans change and you no longer meet the scholarship criteria, the Financial Aid Office will match a student who does meet the criteria. Please remember, this is not a reflection on you personally – the College is demonstrating good stewardship in fulfilling the donor’s wishes for the scholarship.
Who should I contact if I have questions about my scholarship or writing my thank you letter?
Kim Johnson, Public Affair Office (Advancement), Wabash College, Kane House (765)361-6209 or
Who should I contact for more information about my financial aid package?
Sharon Hankins, Office of Financial Aid, Wabash College, Trippet Hall (765)361-6370 or