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Voices: Perfect Game

In addition to filing his story and video, AP's Multimedia Edtor Peter Prengaman entered these "tweets' via Twitter duirng the last days and hours of the rescue:

Energy at the mine is incredible. Reporters running in different directions. Families waiting.
3:28 PM October 12  

It’s hard to imagine that miners are living in 90 degrees, cause at the surface it’s (insert your favorite dirty adjective) COLD!
5:11 PM October 12
Capsule enters the mine with rescuer. 
7:38 PM October 12
Watching rescuer show men how to position themselves in the capsule a half-mile underground. Prime-time television like never before. 
7:53 PM October 12
Florencio Avalos, the first of 33 miners to be rescued, surfaces after 69 days underground. 
8:13 PM October 12 
Last miner will soon be plucked from the mine. 
5:39 PM October 13
Baited breath. People huddled around televisions. 
5:41 PM October 13
People are going wild in Copiapo. Cars honking, circling the plazas and waving flags. 
7:05 PM October 13
It is as if Chile just won the World Cup! 
7:06 PM October 13
Last rescuer coming up. Flawless rescue within reach. Like pitching perfect game while world watches. 
8:30 PM October 13
Reprinted with permission of Associated Press, © 2011