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Wabash Football Team Hosts Youth Day; Turnover Hunger Continues

The Wabash football team continues to be hungry. After last year's 8-2 record and season-ending seven-game winning streak, the Little Giants got a taste of success. And they wanted more.

So the theme for this year's team is "Hungry." It's an attempt by the coaches and players to realize they should never be satisfied and always yearning for more — hard work, togetherness, and success.

They also have dedicated this season to curbing the hunger problems in Montgomery County. Working along side the FISH Foundation food pantry, the Little Giants have pledged money to donate at season's end for every turnover the team forces. Turnover Hunger already has raised cash and awareness that there are hungry people in Montgomery County.

This Saturday when Wabash hosts Ohio Wesleyan, the team will again be collecting canned and other non-perishable food items at the entrances to the stadium. Admission is free to see the 15th ranked and undefeated Little Giants take on the Bishops. But the players and coaches urge you to take a few moments to grab a few food items to bring to the game.

The team kicked off the program with its Community Day collection of nearly 2,000 food items for the FISH food pantry.

The team is also excited to welcome area youth to the game as part of Youth Football Day. The Wabash football team will host a Youth Football Clinic on Friday evening prior to the game, then welcome their guests back to the stadium for Saturday's showdown.

For more information, contact the sports information, public affairs, or football offices.

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