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Prominent Scholars from Nation's Top PhD Programs in Religion and Theology Confer at Wabash Center

Dr. Barbara DeConcini, Executive Director of the American Academy of Religion, spoke to conferees about the Academy's recent work.
Top scholars from theological schools and universities across the nation gathered at Wabash College on Monday, October 21 to focus on the challenges and promises of teaching and learning in PhD programs in religion and theology. Representatives from the largest doctoral programs in the field discussed the relationship of cultures of teaching and learning in their programs to the preparation those programs provide students for teaching as well as scholarship.

Hosted by the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion, the conference brought together representatives of the American Academy of Religion, the Carnegie Foundation, and 25 theological schools and universities-including Boston College, Union Theological Seminary, Yale University, Lutheran Theological Seminary, University of Virginia, Harvard Divinity School, the Jewish Institute of Religion at Hebrew Union College, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, and the Catholic University of America for a rare discussion of issues of teaching and pedagogy in their programs.

"We are pleased that the high level of commitment these outstanding scholars have to their students and to teaching enables them to engage one another in such creative problem-solving," Wabash Center Director Lucinda Huffaker said. "The meeting has been an outstanding example of the excitement and energy generated by conversation about our shared craft of teaching."