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Winter 2012: Shaking Off the Dust extras

Read more about the College's History of Christianity in Africa immersion experience in Kenya:

Student blogs from the trip begin here and continue for two weeks of Immersion Learning blog.

Photos from the experience are in albums at right.


How This Trip is Different 
by Jake German ’11

 A Perspective on Kenyan Immersion
by Steve Charles H’70

I Danced Today
by John Plaiss ’13

Seeing White Jesus in Kenya
by Sam Glowinski ’12

The Motherland
by Devan Taylor ’14

The Shackles that Disable Africa
by Dylan Andrew ’12

Understanding the Real Gift of Brothers
by Alejandro Maya

Religion from the Bottom Up
by Professor Rick Warner

A Day in the Park
by Steve Charles

Peace Has Begun Without Us
by Jose Herrera ’13

A Day of Trepidation and Excitement
by Steve Charles

A Moving Saturday with Children
by Rashaan Stephens ’13

A Different Perspective
by Thomas Evans

Hakuna Matata
by Pat Clegg ’13

At Home in Unexpected Places
by Michael Jon Mondovics ’13

The Day Michael Carper Became a Rock Star
by Professor Bill Cook ’66

Inspired by Kenyan Students
by Kyle Bender ’12

Eight Questions Kenyans Ask About America
by Michael Carper ’13

Finding Family and Mission in Kenya
by Devan Taylor ’13

A Trip About People and What Connects Us
by Professor Rick Warner and Robby Dixon ’14