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Prize Winning Writer Elizabeth Rosner to Present Reading

Elizabeth Rosner
Crawfordsville, Ind. — Prize-winning poetry and fiction writer Elizabeth Rosner will read from her recently published book, The Speed of Light, winner of the GLCA New Writers Award, on Thursday, November 21 at 8 p.m. in Center Hall, Room 216, on the Wabash College campus.

In this highly praised debut novel, Rosner explores the dynamics among three unforgettable people who are each haunted by past tragedies yet have kept silent about the events that have shaped their lives.

Pulitzer-Prize winning novelist Richard Ford commented, “The Speed of Light is an elegant, meticulous, and quite subtle novel about lives lived at a remove from, but forever connected to, tragedy—the [death] camps. Ms. Rosner’s imaginative aim, of course, is to show us great human importance where we might’ve thought it didn’t reside, and to change us with this knowledge. She certainly succeeds.” 

Author Chitra Divakaruni praised The Speed of Light as a “resonating novel about silence and sharing, about the mystery and pain of the past and how it must be reclaimed. Beautifully written, in images that sing in our ears long after we’ve put the book down.” 

Rosner is a graduate of Stanford University and earned her master of fine arts degree from the University of California at Irvine. Her writing has appeared in Poetry Magazine, Poetry East, Southern Poetry Review, and Another Chicago Magazine, among other publications. After teaching creative writing for 18 years, including nine years at Contra Costa College in San Pablo, Calif., Rosner recently retired to work on her writing full-time. She now lives in Berkeley, Calif. and is currently working on her second novel.

Please join us for the reading which is free and open to public. A reception will follow the reading.