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Monon Bell 2003

a football player running with the ball


Senior receiver/returner Josh Bronaugh made several big catches to keep long Wabash drives moving in the 110th Monon Bell Classic.

a group of football players raising their helmets

Ready for Kickoff

The Little Giants raise their helmets in the air prior to the kickoff of the 110th Monon Bell Classic.

a football player running with the ball

The Record-Holder

Senior running back Chris Morris runs for another carry on his way to the all-time Wabash rushing record. Morris ended his career with 3,247 yards.

a group of football players playing

Crushing Hit

Wabash's "Hard Hat D" swarmed the ball in the Monon Bell Classic. Here Tamarco White wraps up the ball carrier low, while T.T. Jackson finishes him off.

a football player falling into the end zone

Diving Selby

Sophomore Aaron Selby and freshman Ralston Carter ride a Tiger running back out of bounds in the 110th Monon Bell Classic.

a football player running with a football

Looking for Room

Freshman Aaron Lafitte found little running room in the first half, but erupted for big yardage in the second half of the Monon Bell game to go over 1,000 yards for the season.

a football player running with another football player in the air

Momentum Changes

Thanks to this interception by senior safety Stu Johnson, the momentum swung decidedly toward Wabash in the 110th Monon Bell Classic.

a football player falling over another football player

Big Play

Sophomore Josh Foster shrugged off a holding penalty on DePauw to make a key stop of All-American Jamarcus Shepherd.

a football player running with the ball

Off to the Races

Rookie Aaron Lafitte made two quick cuts, then raced 52 yards for a touchdown in the 110th Monon Bell Classic.

a football player in a game

Sack Attack

Sophomore T.T. Jackson played a terrific game vs. DePauw, here sacking a Tiger quarterback.

a football player standing next to a bell

Ringing the Bell

Senior Olmy Olmstead takes his turn to ring the Monon Bell after Wabash's 37-20 victory over DePauw.

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