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Rededication of Indiana Gamma of Phi Kappa Psi

a group of men cutting a ribbon

Representatives from Indiana Gamma, Wabash College, Brandt Construction, and Sodexho Campus Services cut the ceremonial ribbon for the new Phi Kappa Psi chapter house at Wabash College.

a group of people talking

Dr. Jason Little ’02 gets caught up with Larry and Carol Landis ’67.

men shaking hands with each other

Dick Griesser ’51, Gordon Peters ’52, and Terry Hamilton ’89 all have played critical roles in Phi Kappa Psi's rich history at Wabash.

a group of people in suits talking

House Corporation Chairman Terry Hamilton ’89 welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bleau ’74.

a man in a red sweater

Distinguished Phi Psi alumnus Gordon Peters ’52: "Everything we have comes from those people who came before us."

an old man holding a picture

Dick Griesser ’51 shows the crowd a picture of the original members of Gamma Phi, which would be re-founded in 1948 as Indiana Gamma of Phi Kappa Psi. Griesser brought a number of photos and news clippings from the chapter's early history, which he has donated to Indiana Gamma.

a man speaking into a microphone

President Pat White recalls fondly the first time he met Phi Psi freshman Patrick Griffith, saying he looks forward to working with the students to build an even brighter future for Phi Kappa Psi.

a man in a suit speaking into a microphone

"Mac" McLaughlin ’83, former House Corporation secretary and a key fund-raising volunteer, couldn't resist a last-minute push for more donations. He also read two letters sent from representatives of the national fraternity, which honored Indiana Gamma's past, and specifically Ed Knight and Dick Regnier.

a group of people standing at a podium

Chapter Advisor Ben Kessler ’74 presents officers Derek Lough ’09 and Jason Gray ’08 a pair of oil lamps to be used in chapter ritual.

a group of men shaking hands

Indiana Gamma President Jason Gray ’08 accepts congratulations from Wabash President Pat White.

a group of men wearing badges

Gordon Peters ’52, Dick Griesser ’51, Terry Hamilton ’89, and Chris Brown ’89 link arms for the fraternity yell: "High, high, high!"

a group of men in suits

Wabash Trustee Rade Kljajic ’78 (center) introduces President White to his long-time friend, teacher, and mentor, Rolland Beckham. It was Beckham who led Kljajic to Wabash in 1974. The renovated chapter house foyer is named in Beckham's honor.

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