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2007 Baseball at The Vic

a baseball game in a stadium with Parkview Field in the background

Wabash warms up at Victory Field with the Indianapolis skyline as a backdrop.

a group of baseball players in red uniforms

Wabash players gather in front of the dugout before they take the field.

a baseball player throwing a ball

Andy Weeks earned the start for the Little Giants.

a baseball players shaking hands

Bobby Ritz and Jake Thomas pound fists at home plate after Ritz scores easily on Matt Dodaro's triple.

a man in a red uniform throwing a baseball

Mike Nowak makes a throw to first.

a baseball player running to base

Matt Dodaro takes a lead from first base.

a baseball coach with his team

Shaun Rico celebrates with his teammates after leading off the fifth with a double and coming around to score the first run in a five-run inning.

a baseball players on a field

Coach Cory Stevens and the umpire discuss a call.

a group of baseball players on a field

A meeting at the mound.

a baseball players on a field

Lining up the defense.

a baseball player throwing a ball

This is what it's like to face freshman Dan Metz.

a man in a red shirt and cap

Coach Stevens surveys the situation.

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