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Human Race Machine

a black rectangular object with a black box with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with

The Human Race Machine is located at the Lilly Library until March 30.

a man touching a black box

Josh Vaughn '08 captures his picture to later be transformed into different race and age images.

a collage of men's faces

A composite of the different images of Vaughn.

a man using a black box

The Human Race Machine also has an option that allows participants to view the different physical characteristics of certain disorders.

a woman raising her hand in front of a laptop

Visiting Art Professor Kristen Wilkins talks about digital technology and the Human Race Machine at Tuesday's Tech Talk.

a woman giving a presentation to a group of people

Wilkins shows how digital technology has aged this missing boy's face to aid in locating him after many years.

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